I have a question, same kind as the one asked by abuzar, on NSAllowsArbitraryLoads = YES
- My app integrates an advertising SDK
- The advertising SDK does mosts of its connexions on https, but some to third-party servers are http and we can't know the server this in advance
After reading https://nabla-c0d3.github.io/blog/2016/08/14/ats-enforced-2017/, I have to refer to point
Third-party servers that the App connects to, for example via connections initiated by SDKs.
For third-party servers that the App connects to, any ATS exemption can be used, including domain-specific blacklisted exemptions, as Apple has stated that not having control of the server was a reasonable justification.
Doing so will require identifying the list of third-party servers the App connects to, in order to be able to add the proper domain-specific ATS exemptions to the App.
My question concerns the underlined point: from what I understand, will have to identify each non-ssl third-party server. I'm in a situation of using an advertising SDK that can't know in advance all servers my app will have to request (throught this SDK).
And also this SDK provider might dynamically tell their SDK to connect to a new third-party server that provide ads (or even as they say, a third-party server can point to a non-ssl address to another hird-party server).
So in this case, if I use NSAllowsArbitraryLoads = YES , and justifify it by the use of this advertising SDK that connects to third-parties, will the validation process be validated and not being rejected for not identifying third-party server? (because this is technically impossible)
Thank you