Search ads - no impressions yet?

Hi everyone,

It's 6pm central time now and my search ads show as active but are reporting no impressions so far.

Is anyone seeing impressions?

I'm just trying to figure out if it's

a) due to too low of bids

b) due to delayed reporting

c) something else

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.



For guys, who get no traffic:

Maybe reason is too narrow settings of your ads group.

My first adgroup have settings: Search match OFF, exact match for keywords plus a few auditory targeting options

I still get no expression here.

I made two more adgroups, one with broad match for keywords, and one with search match ON (without any keywords), and turn any audience targeting off.

Now it works for me even with low bids (like 0.05 - 0.1)

Unfortunately, traffic is still low. For example, stats for yesterday: 166 impressions, 18 taps, 7 conversions.

I've tried to play with bids, but even with much higher bids the traffic was the same.

Same thing, I have 7 ad groups, about 4k keywords total, with all possible combinations of search match/exact/broad and have about 500 impressions per day, even the most popular keyword (by search ads data) has about 200 impressions per day with 0.5 bid and 0.1 final cpt.

That's really strange.

Broad match for keyword is just keyword, right? To make it exact match you should type it in the [brackets]. Am I getting it right?

Hey guys. I'm outside of the US. Can you please check if there are ads for the word 'molecules' and 'atoms'?

Thank you!

Thanks drewster. I also logged out of the App Store and did a search but it didn't show up. The app is not a game and it's in the Sports category. I have about 15 direct competitors and they'll be displayed with every search I do on my keywords I have about 25 keywords, mostly broad match.

I'm not seeing anyone else's ad so I don't think my competitors are buying the name of my app as a keyword. If they did, because i've never had those installed on my test Apple ID's, I would expect to see their ad instead of mine.

I give up!

I've had about roughly 22 keywords with $5 bid on each.

0 impressions. (0 taps blah.. blah)

I paused my campaign and I'm going back to other means of app adverstising.

Have you tried to contact Apple on this issue? They respond very quickly for the messages via contact form.

Yes I did contact them and got a template answer (my comments are given in bold):

"There are many factors that affect whether your ad received impressions, including relevancy (how to measure?) and bid amount comparative to your competitors, and the number of times users on the App Store are searching for apps like yours (searched for it keywords about 50 times). Impressions are not guaranteed, but to improve your chances, try turning on Search Match (it's on since day 1), adjusting your keywords, or increasing your max cost-per-tap bid (it is 5 dollars).

Whether your ad shows over other advertisers bidding on that same query is determined by the combination of your app’s relevance to the search query and the amount of your bid. It’s just as important to know when your app won’t appear. For example, if your app isn’t relevant for what the user is looking for, it won’t make it into the ad spot regardless of how much you may be willing to pay. Search Ads considers both relevance as well as bidding, and does not put apps into auctions if they are not a good match."

Yeah, I got the same answer.

It would be nice to have some indicators that show you "you were outbid" (like on ebay) or "this keyword isn’t relevant for your app". But we don’t have such messages so I can only guess what’s wrong with our campaings.


I am not getting impressions either. I am not based in the US but the app is available on the US app store. Is anyone else advertising from abroad?

Also, what do you guys do for scheduling the ads? Do you put them on for the whole day?


Are you advertising an ipad only app because i've been having issues only with those... iphone works fine

> Is anyone else advertising from abroad?

I do. I don't think this is the reason for low impressions number.

> Do you put them on for the whole day?

Why not?

I've been advertising for both iphone and ipad .

I've just released the next version of the app (changed its keywords as well) and I'm planning to restart (unpause or create a new campaign) for advertising soon.

It would very helpful if we were able to see the Impression Share. I'm having good TTR and CR + conversions at a low price but I'm not able to increase impressions. Don't know if there's no search volume / keyword bid is too low / strong competency 😟

Just to follow up.

A week ago (Nov 1st) I restared campaigns, since a new version of the app was released.

I created 3 campaigns.

1. with broad match keywords (ipad/iphone)

2. with exact match keywords NO Search Match (iphone users only)

3. with exact match keywords with Search Match (iphone users only)

Each keyword is now priced at $.60.

No impressions for the past week. Contacting Search Ads support team seems to be useless, since I'm getting the same "template" answer.

So what's next? The only thing I could think of is to adjust the application's Keywords to something different. And then I'll keep my fingers crossed that it will improve "the revelance".

I wish Apple could reply in more technical terms, such as numbers. At this moment, it just feels as unfair competetion.


I contacted Apple for another try and at first they replied me with a standard template.

I insisted that there's a problem (and gave them campaign IDs)

Late I got a reply that ... I still should tweak my campaing settings, BUT I didn't do anythign with them... but all of the sudden by the end of the day I got 500 impressions with 15 taps... there MIGHT be an issue on Apple's end.

Which is now resolved for me.

Are you sure the change in settings did not do anything?

What did they ask you to change?

He stated he didn't change anything.

Search ads - no impressions yet?