Can SiriKit pass the INSendMessageIntent to app?

Can SiriKit pass the INSendMessageIntent to app? The intent has to be handled by my app, instead of in the Siri extension. But the INSendMessageIntentResponseCode does not have the .continueInApp like INStartAudioCallIntentResponseCode. There is .failureRequiringAppLaunch, but that behavior is not the preferred one. Any idea on this?


Beta 3 now includes the .continueInApp response code for Workouts. Maybe they'll extend it to other domains in the next Beta? I'm waiting to see it in Payments.

Hi Joyce/Pelau,

I am also using SendPayment intent. It has suddenly started showing internet results rather than showing the default intent UI with confirmation.

It was working till last Thursday, but it has suddenly stopped working.

Are you also facing this issue?


Yes, I saw that issue and filed a Radar. Apple silently fixed/restored the behaviour over this past weekend. I checked on Sunday and it was working again.