Signing a Widget?


I just got my Developer ID. I've developed a dashboard widget, but I have no idea how to sign it. It's a .wdgt package, that contains the in its root.

How do I get the certificate? Do I need to sign it with Xcode or something? Or, do I use codesign from the command prompt - and how do I do that?




It works. See e.g. my widget at

First, you need a production Developer ID of type "Developer ID Application".

Make sure it's imported into your keychain.

Also note its name. Typically it is like "Developer ID Application: Your Name".

Now use the codesign tool to sign your widget on the command line like this:

codesign -f -s "Developer ID Application: Your Name" /Path/to/YourWidget.wdgt

Verify using spctl:

spctl -a -vvvv /Path/to/YourWidget.wdgt

The output should look like this:

/Path/to/YourWidget.wdgt: accepted

source=Developer ID

origin=Developer ID Application: Your Name (XXXXXXXXX)