Construct and manage a graphical, event-driven user interface for your macOS app using AppKit.

AppKit Documentation






SwiftUI Scene with a single window on macOS
Is it possible to only allow a single window instance on macOS? WindowGroup/DocumentGroup allow the user to create multiple instances of a window. I'd like to only allow one, for an Onboarding sequence. I've checked the Scene documentation -, and it appears the only types conforming to the Scene protocol are WindowGroup, DocumentGroup and Settings. How can I create a single Window in a SwiftUI App? An example use case: struct TutorialScene: Scene {   var body: some Scene { 	// I don't want to allow multiple windows of this Scene! 	WindowGroup { 		TutorialView() 	}	 }
Aug ’20
Can NSTextView work with custom NSTextContentManager implementation? (TextKit2)
I'm trying to implement custom NSTextContentManager and use it with NSTextView, however it seems that NSTextView expect NSTextContentStorage all the time. final class MyTextContentManager: NSTextContentManager { // ... } It's added to layout manager, and NSTextView instance finds it properly: let textContentManager = MyTextContentManager() textContentManager.addTextLayoutManager(textLayoutManager) however, when I use it, I see errors at: [MyTextContentManager textStorage]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x600003d84870 the textStorage property is part of NSTextStorageObserving, that is not NSTextContentManager interface. It looks like NSTextView is not ready to work with custom NSTextContentManager. What did I miss?
Sep ’21
-[NSView (un)lockFocus] deprecated, what to use instead?
I am hitting major road blocks in migrating one of my Obj-C-Cocoa applications away from -[NSView (un)lockFocus] and -[NSBitmapImageRep initWithFocusedViewRect:]. In a transcript of a presentation on WWDC2018 I read: With our changes to layer backing, there's a few patterns I want to call out that aren't going to work in macOS 10.14 anymore. If you're using NSView lockFocus and unlockFocus, or trying to access the window's graphics contents directly, there's a better way of doing that. You should just subclass NSView and implement draw rect. ... Of course, we all implemented -[NSView drawRect:] for decades now. The big question is, how can we do incremental (additional, event driven) drawing in our views, without redrawing the whole view hierarchy. This is the use case of -(un)lockFocus, and especially when drawing of the base view is computational expensive. Wo would have thought that people use -(un)lockFocus for regular drawing of the NSView hierarchy. I tried to get away with CALayer, only to find out after two days experimenting with it, that a sublayer can only be drawn if the (expensive) main layer has been drawn before —> dead end road. Now I am going to implement a context dependent -[NSView drawRect:]. Based on a respective instance variable, either of the (expensive) base presentation of the view or the simple additions are drawn. Is it that what Apple meant by … just subclass NSView and implement draw rect? From the point of view of object oriented programming, using switch() in methods to change the behaviour of the object is ugly - to say the least. Any better options? Ugly or not, in any case, I don’t want to redraw the whole view hierarchy only for moving a crosshairs in a diagram. My actual use case is: This application draws into a custom diagram NSView electrochemical measurement curves which may consist of a few thousands up to millions of data points. The diagram view provides a facility for moving crosshairs and other pointing aids over the displayed curves, by dragging/rolling with the mouse or the touch pad, or by moving it point by point with the cursor keys. Diagram generation is computational expensive and it must not occur only because the crosshairs should be moved to the next data point. So for navigating the crosshairs (and other pointing aids), a respective method locks the focus of said view, restores the background from a cache, caches the background below the new position of the crosshairs using -[NSBitmapImageRep initWithFocusedViewRect:], draws the crosshairs and finally unlocks the focus. All this does not work anymore since 10.14.
Jan ’22
Popover from NSToolbarItem in Mac Catalyst app
Hi, Inside a Mac Catalyst app, I need to display a popover starting from an NSToolbarItem contained inside the app toolbar (like the Apple Maps Mac app does, see below image). In order to do that, when I press the button I need to find the toolbar item view and use it as popover anchor. How can I find the view or frame of an NSToolbarItem on Mac Catalyst? A property that could help me is the NSToolbarItem "view" property (NSView), but that property has been marked has unavailable in Mac Catalyst. Any idea? Thank you
Feb ’22
NSTextField changes its text color when users click on it under dark theme
// //  AppDelegate.swift //  HelloCocoa // import Cocoa @main class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {     func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) {                  let myAlert = NSAlert()         myAlert.messageText = "Alert Title"         let messageAttributedString = NSAttributedString(string: "Hello,world", attributes: [.font : NSFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12, weight: .bold)])         let myTextField = NSTextField(labelWithAttributedString: messageAttributedString)         myTextField.allowsEditingTextAttributes = true         myTextField.isSelectable = true         myAlert.accessoryView = myTextField         myAlert.runModal()     }     func applicationWillTerminate(_ aNotification: Notification) {         // Insert code here to tear down your application     }     func applicationSupportsSecureRestorableState(_ app: NSApplication) -> Bool {         return true     } } The alert appears like this: but when I clicks on the textfield, the text's color become black: Adding foregroundColor key to attribute dictionary works for me but I really want to know why NSTextfield has such behavior
Jan ’23
A VZMacGraphicsDisplayConfiguration with a large resolution causes macOS Ventura to incorrectly draw its menu bar items.
Filed as rdar://FB11975037 When macOS Ventura is run as a guest OS within the virtualization framework, the main menu bar items will not be displayed correctly if VZMacGraphicsDisplayConfiguration defines a large resolution. The menu bar titles appear to be using the same color as the menu bar itself. When the Appearance is set to Light, the menu bar items are effectively invisible. When the Appearance is set to Dark, the menu bar items are drawn in what looks like a disabled state. This only affects the menu bar item titles on the left-hand side. The date-time and menu bar icons on the right side are always displayed in the correct color. This appears to be a regression in macOS Ventura as this issue is not present in macOS 12 running as a guest. This bug can be easily reproduced using Apple's own Virtualization sample code titled: "Running macOS in a Virtual Machine on Apple Silicon Macs" Steps to reproduce: Follow the sample code instructions for building and installing a VM.bundle. Before running 'macOSVirtualMachineSampleApp', change the VZMacGraphicsDisplayConfiguration to use: width = 5120, height = 2880, ppi = 144. Run 'macOSVirtualMachineSampleApp' and notice that the menu bar titles on the left side of the screen are not correctly drawn in the guest instance. This has been tested on: Host: macOS 13.1 Guest: macOS 13.x (All versions) Hardware: MBP 14" M1 Pro 32GB/2TB Is there anything that can be done to resolve this issue?
Jan ’23
How to hide NSToolbar background when NSHostingController's ScrollView is at the top
In Monterey, when a user was at the top of a ScrollView implemented inside of a NSHostingController's view (that was itself embedded in a window with a NSToolbar), the window's toolbar background would be hidden until the user scrolled from the top. In Ventura, this behavior is different, with the toolbar's background visible all of the time unless a traditional NSScrollView is used (which means no SwiftUI). Is there the ability to change this behavior within SwiftUI some how now?
May ’23
Multiple NSMenu issues in Sonoma
Sonoma beta release notes mention that NSMenu was rewritten from scratch using AppKit, however, it seems like a lot of behavior was removed along the way which breaks applications. I've filed several requests using Feedback Assistant, but none of them were fixed in the 3 following betas. FB12867496: NSMenu no longer receives keyboard events from GetEventDispatcherTarget (there is a workaround) FB12867573: NSMenuItem custom view window is nil FB12887219 : NSMenu performSelector highlightItem doesn't highlight menu item FB12938907: NSMenu not properly updated when adding/removing NSMenuItem I wonder if anyone else has experienced similar problems and can share workarounds for them:
Aug ’23
drawRect broken in Xcode 15/Sonoma
I'm manually placing a subclass of NSView into the parent view using addSubview:positioned:relativeTo. The dirtyRect passed to drawRect: is wildly incorrect. Can folks attempt to reproduce and file bugs? This is awfully close to the release of Sonoma, and I feel like folks with bezier curves (or maybe other drawing code?) in their NSView subclasses are going to experience problems. To reproduce, place a view (I'm using an NSImageView) as a subview within a view. Then, create a subclass of NSView and draw a bezier curve in the drawRect method. Add an instance of this subclass as a subview of your original view. I'm offsetting the x value for clarity. When I build with Xcode 15 and run on Ventura or earlier, I get the correct result. Or, if I build with Xcode 14.3 and run on Sonoma I get the correct result. However, when I build in Xcode 15 and run on the RC build of Sonoma, I get a whacky result. I get something like (origin = (x = -264, y = -146), size = (width = 480, height = 388)) for the dirtyRect in the error case, while the rect is supposed to be (origin = (x = 0, y = 0), size = (width = 48, height = 48)) (I'm basing the frame of the new view on the original image.) Thanks!
Sep ’23
Window updates are broken on Sonoma
Our MacOS application has a single window which is occupied by an NSView-derived view. It's been working for the last ten years or so, but when using the Sonoma beta, window updates are badly broken. We rely on using setNeedsDisplayInRect to redisplay any portions of the view that need to be redisplayed, but no matter how small a rectangle we specify, the entire window is repainted with the background colour before our drawRect implementation is called. We already provide an overload of isOpaque in our view which returns true, and in the past this was effective for suppressing the background fill, but it no longer seems to work (although I can confirm that it is still called along the way). I've attached an image that shows an example of how a sample window looks after resizing (which is correct) and then what it looks like after using setNeedsDisplayInRect to invalidate the region occupied by the button in the centre. I've explicitly set the NSWindow background colour to blue to make it more obvious : Is it still possible to inhibit the background fill? Repainting the entire view for every update is not really an option for us, for performance reasons
Sep ’23
[macOS Sonoma] screencapture CLI no longer includes DPI information
Using the screencapture CLI on macOS Sonoma 14.0 (23A344) results in a 72dpi image file, no matter if it was captured on a retina display or not. For example, using screencapture -i ~/Desktop/test.png in Terminal lets me create a selective screenshot, but the resulting file does not contain any DPI metadata (checked using mdls ~/Desktop/test.png), nor does the image itself have the correct DPI information (should be 144, but it's always 72; checked using I noticed a (new?) flag option, -r, for which the documentation states: -r Do not add screen dpi meta data to captured file. Is that flag somehow automatically set? Setting it myself makes no difference and obviously results in a no-dpi-in-metadata and wrong-dpi-in-image file. The only two ways I got the correct DPI information in a resulting image file was using the default options (forced by -p): screencapture -i -p, and by making the capture go to the clipboard screencapture -i -c. Sadly, I can't use those in my case. Feedback filed: FB13208235 I'd appreciate any pointers, Matthias
Sep ’23
NSTextLayoutManager's enumerateTextSegments parameters documentation
This function on NSTextLayoutManager has the following signature func enumerateTextSegments( in textRange: NSTextRange, type: NSTextLayoutManager.SegmentType, options: NSTextLayoutManager.SegmentOptions = [], using block: (NSTextRange?, CGRect, CGFloat, NSTextContainer) -> Bool ) The documentation here doesn't define what the CGRect and CGFloat passed to block are. However, looking at sample code Using TextKit2 To Interact With Text, they seem to be the frame for the textsegment and baselineposition respectively. But, the textSegmentFrame seems to start at origin.x = 5.0 when text is empty. Is this some starting offset for text segments? I don't seem to be able to find mention of this anywhere.
Oct ’23
Simulate sending key to an NSView on a macOS application
Hello, I am trying to simulate a keystroke inside a macOS application. Here is what i've done: let src = CGEventSource(stateID: CGEventSourceStateID.hidSystemState) let cmd_down = CGEvent(keyboardEventSource: src, virtualKey: 0x38, keyDown: true) let cmd_up = CGEvent(keyboardEventSource: src, virtualKey: 0x38, keyDown: false) cmd_down?.post(tap: .cghidEventTap) cmd_up?.post(tap: .cghidEventTap) macOS is asking me to allow my application on TCC accessibility. This is a global privilege and needs admin rights. And i want to avoid that. Is there an alternative to simulate a key stroke inside my application ? Thanks
Oct ’23
Mouse events on popup menu view seem to be incorrect in Sonoma.
as I open the pop-up menu and move the mouse before that opened, MouseEntered Event and MouseExited Event are called when mouse moved. The following trackingAreas options are inclued in the view in pop-up area. NSTrackingInVisibleRect, NSTrackingMouseEnteredAndExited, NSTrackingMouseMoved, NSTrackingActiveInKeyWindow LocationInWindow of MouseExitedEvent seem to be incorrect. This problems does not occur in the following cases. Do not move the mouse until the popup is fully opened. Left mouse button down on pop-up area. Move the mouse out of the pop-up area. This issue occurs in Sonoma(MacOS14.0) and later. I would like to know if this is a code issue or a bug in the OS Version. AppDelegate.h #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> @interface ViewInPopup : NSView { NSString* resultStr; NSUInteger enteredCount; NSPoint lastEnteredPos; NSUInteger exitedCount; NSPoint lastExitedPos; NSUInteger movedCount; NSPoint lastMovedPos; NSTrackingArea* trackingArea; } @end @interface AppDelegate : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate> { NSMenu* myMenu; ViewInPopup* viewInPopup; } - (IBAction)onClickButton:(id)sender; @end #import "AppDelegate.h" @interface ViewInPopup () - (void)showResult:(NSEvent*)event; @end @implementation ViewInPopup - (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect { self = [super initWithFrame:frameRect]; [self setWantsLayer:TRUE]; [[self layer] setBackgroundColor:[NSColor redColor].CGColor]; return self; } - (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect { [super drawRect:dirtyRect]; [resultStr drawInRect:[self bounds] withAttributes:nil]; } - (void)updateTrackingAreas { if (trackingArea) { [self removeTrackingArea:trackingArea]; } NSTrackingAreaOptions options = NSTrackingInVisibleRect | NSTrackingMouseEnteredAndExited | NSTrackingMouseMoved | NSTrackingActiveInKeyWindow; trackingArea = [[NSTrackingArea alloc] initWithRect:[self bounds] options:options owner:self userInfo:nil]; [self addTrackingArea:trackingArea]; [super updateTrackingAreas]; } - (void)mouseEntered:(NSEvent *)event { [self showResult:event]; [super mouseEntered:event]; } - (void)mouseExited:(NSEvent *)event { [self showResult:event]; [super mouseExited:event]; } - (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent *)event { [self showResult:event]; [super mouseMoved:event]; } - (void)showResult:(NSEvent*)event { NSString* eventTypeStr = @""; switch (event.type) { case NSEventTypeMouseEntered: eventTypeStr = @"Entered"; [[self layer] setBackgroundColor:[NSColor redColor].CGColor]; if (enteredCount >= NSUIntegerMax) { enteredCount = 0; } else { enteredCount++; } lastEnteredPos = event.locationInWindow; break; case NSEventTypeMouseExited: eventTypeStr = @"Exited"; [[self layer] setBackgroundColor:[NSColor blueColor].CGColor]; if (exitedCount >= NSUIntegerMax) { exitedCount = 0; } else { exitedCount++; } lastExitedPos = event.locationInWindow; break; case NSEventTypeMouseMoved: eventTypeStr = @"Moved"; [[self layer] setBackgroundColor:[NSColor greenColor].CGColor]; if (movedCount >= NSUIntegerMax) { movedCount = 0; } else { movedCount++; } lastMovedPos = event.locationInWindow; break; default: return; } resultStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"LastEventType:%@\n\nEnteredCount:%ld\nLastEnteredPosition:(%f, %f)\n\nExitedCount:%ld\nLastExitedPosition:(%f %f)\n\nMovedCount:%ld\nLastMovedPosition:(%f, %f)", eventTypeStr, enteredCount, lastEnteredPos.x, lastEnteredPos.y, exitedCount, lastExitedPos.x, lastExitedPos.y, movedCount, lastMovedPos.x, lastMovedPos.y]; [self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; } @end @interface AppDelegate () @property (strong) IBOutlet NSWindow *window; @end @implementation AppDelegate - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification { // Insert code here to initialize your application myMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] init]; NSMenuItem* item = [[NSMenuItem alloc] init]; [myMenu addItem:item]; viewInPopup = [[ViewInPopup alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 300, 300)]; [item setView:viewInPopup]; } - (void)applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)aNotification { // Insert code here to tear down your application } - (BOOL)applicationSupportsSecureRestorableState:(NSApplication *)app { return YES; } - (IBAction)onClickButton:(id)sender { [myMenu popUpMenuPositioningItem:nil atLocation:NSZeroPoint inView:(NSView*)sender]; } @end
Oct ’23
NSTextView crash with interaction between inserted .link attribute in text storage and NSSpellChecker
I have been getting crash reports from users of my Mac app on Sonoma 14.0 and 14.1 when typing into an NSTextView subclass. The crash logs I have show involvement of the spell-checking system - NSTestCheckingController, NSSpellChecker, and NSCorrectionPanel. The crash is because of an exception being thrown. The throwing method is either [NSString getParagraphStart:end:contentsEnd:forRange:] or [NSTextStorage ensureAttributesAreFixedInRange:]. I have not yet reproduced the crash. I have tried modifying the reference finding process to simply link every word, via NSStringEnumerationByWords. The text view in question recognizes certain things in the entered text and adds hyperlinks to the text while the user is typing. It re-parses and re-adds the links on every key press (via overriding the didChangeText method), on a background thread. From user reports, I have learned that: The crash only occurs on macOS 14.0 and 14.1, not on previous versions The call stack always involves the spell checker, and sometimes involves adding recognized links to the text storage (the call to DispatchQueue.main.async in the code below) The crash stops happening if the user turns off the system spell checker in System Settings -> Keyboard -> Edit on an Input Source -> Correct Spelling Automatically switch The crash does not happen when there are no links in the text view. Here is the relevant code: extension NSMutableAttributedString { func batchUpdates(_ updates: () -> ()) { self.beginEditing() updates() self.endEditing() } } class MyTextView : NSTextView { func didChangeText() { super.didChangeText() findReferences() } var parseToken: CancelationToken? = nil let parseQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.myapp.ref_parser") private func findReferences() { guard let storage = self.textStorage else { return } self.parseToken?.requestCancel() let token = CancelationToken() self.parseToken = token let text = storage.string self.parseQueue.async { if token.cancelRequested { return } let refs = RefParser.findReferences(inText: text, cancelationToken: token) DispatchQueue.main.async { if !token.cancelRequested { storage.batchUpdates { var linkRanges: [NSRange] = [] storage.enumerateAttribute(.link, in: NSRange(location: 0, length: storage.length)) { linkValue, linkRange, stop in if let linkUrl = linkValue as? NSURL { linkRanges.append(linkRange) } } for rng in linkRanges { storage.removeAttribute(.link, range: rng) } for r in refs { storage.addAttribute(.link, value: r.url, range: r.range) } } self.verseParseToken = nil } } } } } I've filed this as FB13306015 if any engineers see this. Can anyone
Oct ’23
What sets NSTextParagraph.paragraphSeparatorRange and paragraphContentRange
With my continued experiments with TextKit2, I'm trying to figure out what sets the properties paragraphSeparatorRange and paragraphContentRange on a NSTextParagraph. These seem to be computed properties (or at least they cannot be directly set via public API). var paragraph = NSTextParagraph(attributedString: NSAttributedString(string: "It was the best of times.\n")) print("attributes: \(paragraph.attributedString.attributes(at: 0, effectiveRange: nil))") print("paragraphSeparatorRange: \(String(describing: paragraph.paragraphSeparatorRange))") print("paragraphContentRange: \(String(describing: paragraph.paragraphContentRange))") In the above example, both paragraphSeparatorRange and paragraphContentRange are nil. However, when using NSTextLayoutManager/NSTextContentStorage they are set. let layoutManager = NSTextLayoutManager() let container = NSTextContainer(size: NSSize(width: 400, height: 400)) layoutManager.textContainer = container let contentStorage = NSTextContentStorage() contentStorage.textStorage = NSTextStorage(string: "It was the best of times.\n") contentStorage.addTextLayoutManager(layoutManager) layoutManager.enumerateTextLayoutFragments(from: contentStorage.documentRange.location, options: .ensuresLayout) { textLayoutFragment in print("layoutFragment: \(textLayoutFragment)") print("textElement: \(String(describing: textLayoutFragment.textElement))") print("textElement.range: \(String(describing: textLayoutFragment.textElement?.elementRange))") let paragraph = textLayoutFragment.textElement as! NSTextParagraph print("paragraphContentRange: \(String(describing: paragraph.paragraphContentRange))") print("paragraphSeparatorRange: \(String(describing: paragraph.paragraphSeparatorRange))") return true } Would appreciate any ideas on how these values are computed/set. Thanks
Dec ’23
FAULT: <NSRemoteView: 0x14665e360 TUICursorUIViewService> determined it was necessary to configure <TUINSWindow: 0x126706c70> to support remote view vibrancy
This message is logged in Xcode when I start editing a text field in my macOS app. This started appearing in Sonoma. This doesn't happen in Ventura (same Xcode project). Every text field in the app is affected, regardless of the window. What could be the cause of this?
Dec ’23
TextKit 2: edits make duplicate text elements
I'm having an issue with a TextKit2 NSTextView (AppKit). In my subclass's keyDown, I'm doing a bit of manipulation of the textStorage but it seems that if I try to alter any part of the textStorage where a text paragraph and accompanying fragment have already been created, I then get duplicate paragraphs and fragments. For example, say I want to insert new text at the end of an existing paragraph. I've tried: Inserting a new attr string (with attrs matching the preceding text) at the end of the existing paragraph text Replacing the existing paragraph text with a new attr string that includes the new text First deleting the existing paragraph text and then inserting the new full attr string including the new text I am wrapping those edits in a textContentStorage.performEditingTransaction closure. But in all cases, it seems that TextKit 2 wants to create new NSTextParagraph and NSTextFragment objects and doesn't remove the old ones, resulting in duplicate elements in my UI. Some sample code: let editLocation = editRange.location guard editLocation > 0 else { break } let attrs = textStorage.attributes(at: editLocation, effectiveRange: nil) // paragraphStartLocation is in an NSAttributedString extension not shown guard let paragraphStartLoc = textStorage.paragraphStartLocation(from: editLocation) else { assertionFailure(); return } var paragraphRange = NSRange(location: paragraphStartLoc, length: editLocation - paragraphStartLoc + 1) var fullParagraph = textStorage.attributedSubstring(from: paragraphRange).string fullParagraph += newText let newAttrStr = NSAttributedString(string: fullParagraph, attributes: attrs) textContentStorage.performEditingTransaction { textStorage.deleteCharacters(in: paragraphRange) textStorage.insert(newAttrStr, at: paragraphStartLoc) }
Jan ’24
HIToolbox crashes on macOS
Lately, we are getting a few crash reports ending up with: NSRangeException *** -[NSConcreteTextStorage attribute:atIndex:longestEffectiveRange:inRange:]: Range or index out of bounds The full stack trace is: Thread 0 Crashed: 0 CoreFoundation 0xfff0177080a6 __exceptionPreprocess 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0xfff016dcd231 objc_exception_throw 2 UIFoundation 0xfff020adce02 -[NSConcreteTextStorage attribute:atIndex:longestEffectiveRange:inRange:] 3 AppKit 0xfff01f051947 __55-[NSTextInputContext handleTSMEvent:completionHandler:]_block_invoke_7.611 4 AppKit 0xfff01f05178e __55-[NSTextInputContext handleTSMEvent:completionHandler:]_block_invoke_2.605 5 AppKit 0xfff01f04d137 -[NSTextInputContext tryHandleTSMEvent_attributedString_attributedSubstringForProposedRange_withContext:dispatchCondition:dispatchWork:dispatchFurtherCondition:dispatchFurtherWork:continuation:] 6 AppKit 0xfff01e4d37c7 -[NSTextInputContext handleTSMEvent:completionHandler:] 7 AppKit 0xfff01e4d29c8 _NSTSMEventHandler 8 HIToolbox 0xfff02c78f702 DispatchEventToHandlers 9 HIToolbox 0xfff02c78eb4e SendEventToEventTargetInternal 10 HIToolbox 0xfff02c78e9ed SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions 11 HIToolbox 0xfff02c7e7da0 SendTSMEvent_WithCompletionHandler 12 HIToolbox 0xfff02c9404bf __SendTextInputEvent_WithCompletionHandler_block_invoke 13 HIToolbox 0xfff02c93ee07 SendTextInputEvent_WithCompletionHandler 14 HIToolbox 0xfff02c9a06b4 -[IMKInputSession _postEvent:completionHandler:] 15 HIToolbox 0xfff02c9b3997 -[IMKInputSession do_coreAttributesFromRange_postEventLoopWithContext:initBlockEach:postEventCompletionEach:whileConditionBlock:finalCompletion:] 16 HIToolbox 0xfff02c9b4710 __78-[IMKInputSession _coreAttributesFromRange:whichAttributes:completionHandler:]_block_invoke_10 17 HIToolbox 0xfff02c7fc58c DispatchEventToHandlers 18 AppKit 0xfff01f051707 __55-[NSTextInputContext handleTSMEvent:completionHandler:]_block_invoke_7.599 19 AppKit 0xfff01f051412 __55-[NSTextInputContext handleTSMEvent:completionHandler:]_block_invoke_2.593 20 AppKit 0xfff01f04d137 -[NSTextInputContext tryHandleTSMEvent_attributedString_attributedSubstringForProposedRange_withContext:dispatchCondition:dispatchWork:dispatchFurtherCondition:dispatchFurtherWork:continuation:] 21 AppKit 0xfff01e4d37c7 -[NSTextInputContext handleTSMEvent:completionHandler:] 22 AppKit 0xfff01e4d29c8 _NSTSMEventHandler 23 HIToolbox 0xfff02c78f702 DispatchEventToHandlers 24 HIToolbox 0xfff02c78eb4e SendEventToEventTargetInternal 25 HIToolbox 0xfff02c78e9ed SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions 26 HIToolbox 0xfff02c7e7da0 SendTSMEvent_WithCompletionHandler 27 HIToolbox 0xfff02c9404bf __SendTextInputEvent_WithCompletionHandler_block_invoke 28 HIToolbox 0xfff02c93ee07 SendTextInputEvent_WithCompletionHandler 29 HIToolbox 0xfff02c9a06b4 -[IMKInputSession _postEvent:completionHandler:] 30 HIToolbox 0xfff02c9b3997 -[IMKInputSession do_coreAttributesFromRange_postEventLoopWithContext:initBlockEach:postEventCompletionEach:whileConditionBlock:finalCompletion:] 31 HIToolbox 0xfff02c9b39fe __145-[IMKInputSession do_coreAttributesFromRange_postEventLoopWithContext:initBlockEach:postEventCompletionEach:whileConditionBlock:finalCompletion:]_block_invoke 32 HIToolbox 0xfff02c7fc58c DispatchEventToHandlers 33 AppKit 0xfff01f051707 __55-[NSTextInputContext handleTSMEvent:completionHandler:]_block_invoke_7.599 34 AppKit 0xfff01f051412 __55-[NSTextInputContext handleTSMEvent:completionHandler:]_block_invoke_2.593 35 AppKit 0xfff01f04d137 -[NSTextInputContext tryHandleTSMEvent_attributedString_attributedSubstringForProposedRange_withContext:dispatchCondition:dispatchWork:dispatchFurtherCondition:dispatchFurtherWork:continuation:] 36 AppKit 0xfff01e4d37c7 -[NSTextInputContext handleTSMEvent:completionHandler:] 37 AppKit 0xfff01e4d29c8 _NSTSMEventHandler 38 HIToolbox 0xfff02c78f702 DispatchEventToHandlers 39 HIToolbox 0xfff02c78eb4e SendEventToEventTargetInternal 40 HIToolbox 0xfff02c78e9ed SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions 41 HIToolbox 0xfff02c7e7da0 SendTSMEvent_WithCompletionHandler 42 HIToolbox 0xfff02c9404bf __SendTextInputEvent_WithCompletionHandler_block_invoke 43 HIToolbox 0xfff02c93ee07 SendTextInputEvent_WithCompletionHandler 44 HIToolbox 0xfff02c9a06b4 -[IMKInputSession _postEvent:completionHandler:] 45 HIToolbox 0xfff02c9b3997 -[IMKInputSession do_coreAttributesFromRange_postEventLoopWithContext:initBlockEach:postEventCompletionEach:whileConditionBlock:finalCompletion:] It mostly affects our macOS 14 users who are from China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan - using weird locales most probably. Is anyone having similar problems?
Jan ’24
SwiftUI Emoji Picker - MacOS
Hello, I am developing a multi-platform app, and I need an emoji picker. It should be the same as the emoji selection view in the Reminders App. Reminders App Image: (A button; when pressed calls the MacOS emoji selector, and the emoji selected is linked to a variable). I know you can call the EmojiSelector with NSApp.orderFrontCharacterPalette($variable) However, it only records the variable if you have a working text field linked to the variable. Then, if you edit the text field you can select more than 1 character, a non-emoji, and the emoji popover is not shown under the button. How do I make an emoji selector like the one above. Does it require a textfield for the selected emoji to be linked to a variable. If it does, can the text field be: Not Viewable and in a ZStack under the button Only editable by the emoji selector Replace the current emoji when another is selected Sorry if my question is lengthy. I have everything else in my app ready, and want to release it to the app store (it will be free). Thank you for any help, Dev_Pro
Jan ’24