Hi hope all are well!
We've been working on a live streaming app and it's going quite well!
Just got the aspect ratio locked as desired.
Now the audio, its volume is extremely low. It sounds like it's using the headset mic instead of the bottom mic that's used on Facetime or on speakerphone calls.
We tried flipping cameras and specifying sample rates, almost every constraint in MediaConstraints - no go!
Is there any way to specify this?
Thanks in advance!
Photos & Camera
RSS for tagExplore technical aspects of capturing high-quality photos and videos, including exposure control, focus modes, and RAW capture options.
I'm currently working on an iPad application that uses a third party sdk to scan a drivers license, and then allows the user to take a picture of themselves. However, when the user is directed to the self photo view, the AVCaptureSession preview will freeze. The app as a whole does not freeze. Only the view preview. I believe this is an issue with the OS, because this only happens on iPad 9s. All the other iPads work fine. Has anyone else seen this issue? Also, is there anyway to see logs from the AVCaptureSession so I can see what is happening? Maybe there is a way I can see when it freezes and then restart it.
I'm creating an app that uses AVCaptureSession to pass camera input to AVCaptureMetadataOutput and scan QRCode.
After updating to iPadOS 17.4, an issue has occurred where the delegate method of AVCaptureMetadataOutputObjectsDelegate is not called on some devices.
The following devices are experiencing this issue.
iPad (7th Gen)
iPad (6th Gen)
iPad Pro (10.5)
iPad Pro (12.9 2nd Gen)
This issue has not occur on any other devices I have.
This may only occur on devices with model number "iPad7,x".
I tried running the AVFoundation sample code on the Apple Developer site on the above device. The same problem still occurs.
Are any additional settings required after iPadOS17.4?
Or is there some problem on the OS side?
The methods described in https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/715452?answerId=729571022#729571022 to obtain 48 MP image captures no longer seem to work on iOS 17.4 under certain circumstances.
Previously, the following steps were sufficient to get 48 MP capture from AVFoundation:
Set the active AVCaptureDevice.Format to a format where supportedMaxPhotoDimensions contains the (8064, 6048) size
Set AVCapturePhotoOutput.maxPhotoDimensions to (8064, 6048)
Set AVCapturePhotoOutput.maxPhotoQualityPrioritization to .quality
Taking a photo
Set AVCapturePhotoSettings.maxPhotoDimensions to (8064, 6048)
Set AVCapturePhotoSettings.photoQualityPrioritization to .quality
As of iOS 17.4, the exact same code that worked through 17.3 no longer works if the session was configured manually (resulting in the .inputPriority session preset) rather than using a session preset (like .high). When configuring the session manually, all the intervening steps work (an active format can be found with the appropriate dimensions, the photo output settings can be set to 8064x6048 successfully, etc.), but the resulting photo is 4032x3024. Again, these same steps worked flawlessly prior to iOS 17.4.
Am I missing something? Did iOS 17.4 change the requirements for 48 MP capture, or is this a bug?
I want to take 48MP photos and get the same iso and exposure duration as I set.
Set the active AVCaptureDevice.Format to a format where supportedMaxPhotoDimensions contains the (8064, 6048) size
Set AVCapturePhotoOutput.maxPhotoDimensions to (8064, 6048)
Set if (AVCaptureDevice.isExposureModeSupported:.custom) { AVCaptureDevice.exposureMode = .custom; }
Set AVCaptureDevice.setExposureModeCustomWithDuration:1/20 ISO:100 completionHandler:handler
Taking a photo
Set AVCapturePhotoSettings.maxPhotoDimensions to (8064, 6048)
The API discussion of setExposureModeCustomWithDuration told me
To ensure that the receiver's ISO and exposureDuration values are honored while in AVCaptureExposureModeCustom or AVCaptureExposureModeLocked, you must set your AVCapturePhotoSettings.photoQualityPrioritization property to AVCapturePhotoQualityPrioritizationSpeed.
But at last step, when I set
AVCapturePhotoSettings.maxPhotoQualityPrioritization = .speed,
the photo resolution is (4000, 3000), only 12MP, not is (8000, 6000). the iso and exposure duration on the photo are the same as what I set.
and when I set
AVCapturePhotoSettings.maxPhotoQualityPrioritization = .balanced/.qulity, the photo is (8000, 6000) , but the iso and exposeure duration obtained on the photo is different from the one I set.
What do I need to do to take 48MP photos and set the iso and exposure duration successfully?
How to programmatically open the camera the spatial mode in iOS for capturing the spatial videos. Any API for opening camera in spatial mode?
Hello, I fetch Live Photo AVAsset using: PHImageManager and PHAssetResourceManager for getting Data. And then I want to wrap it to AVAsset using fileURL, and everything works fine, but also I want to trim this AVAsset using AVMutableComposition. I use insertTimeRange of AVMutableCompositionTrack method, and I don't not why but naturalSize of originalVideoTrack and newVideoTrack are different, and this happening only with Live Photo, default Videos work fine. Seems like this is AVMutableCompositionTrack bug inside AVFoundation. Please give me some info. Thanks)
for: phAsset,
targetSize: size,
contentMode: .aspectFill,
options: livePhotoOptions
) { [weak self] livePhoto, info in
guard let livePhoto else {
self?.writeAVAsset(livePhoto: livePhoto, fileURL: fileURL)
private func writeAVAsset(livePhoto: PHLivePhoto, fileURL: URL) {
let resources = PHAssetResource.assetResources(for: livePhoto)
guard let videoResource = resources.first(where: { $0.type == .pairedVideo }) else {
let requestOptions = PHAssetResourceRequestOptions()
var data = Data()
dataRequestID = PHAssetResourceManager.default().requestData(
for: videoResource,
options: requestOptions,
dataReceivedHandler: { chunk in
completionHandler: { [weak self] error in
try data.write(to: fileURL)
let avAsset = AVAsset(url: fileURL)
let composition = AVMutableComposition()
if let originalVideoTrack = tracks(withMediaType: .video).first,
let videoTrack = composition.addMutableTrack(withMediaType: .video, preferredTrackID: 0)
// originalVideoTrack has naturalSize (width: 1744, height: 1308)
try? videoTrack.insertTimeRange(timeRange, of: originalVideoTrack, at: .zero)
videoTrack.preferredTransform = originalVideoTrack.preferredTransform
// videoTrack has naturalSize (width: 1920.0, height: 1440.0)
I am trying to implement the ability to save a photo to the user’s photo library on macOS. When I call PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization(for: .addOnly) I just get a .denied status. The user is not prompted for access.
I tried adding these entitlements: com.apple.security.personal-information.photos-library, com.apple.security.assets.pictures.read-write. I tried turning off sandboxing entirely.
I tried saving despite getting the authorization denied, but unsurprisingly that gives me this error: Domain=PHPhotosErrorDomain Code=3311
I can almost do what i want with NSSharingService(named: .addToIPhoto), but that has the side effect of launching Photos.
Is there a trick to getting PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization(for: .addOnly) to work?
The app crashes when creating a new album. This crash did not occur in our own testing, but after publishing it to the app store, it seems that the probability of occurrence is very high.
I'm trying to open the front camera on my demo app, and from what I read on the Apple docs and forums if you have configured your Persona you will get that image.
But I'm having some issues with it, this is my code:
struct ContentView: View {
@Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode
var body: some View {
ZStack {
VStack {
.frame(width: 337, height: 211)
Text("My first Vision Pro app.")
.frame(width: 340)
.padding(.bottom, 10)
Button {
// Add camera functionality here
} label: {
Text("Open Camera")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
.onAppear {
.onTapGesture {
// Check if camera permission is granted
if AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: .video) == .authorized {
} else {
func requestCameraAccess() {
AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for: .video) { authorized in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if authorized {
// Permission granted, open camera if needed
} else {
// Handle permission denied case (optional)
func openFrontCamera() {
On the openFrontCamera() function I tried using .devices() .default() and other methods like you would use for other Apple devices but this doesn't work with Vision Pro and I can't find anything that tells me how to open it.
Has anyone been able to work this out?
After my iPad 6 upgrades from iOS 17.3 to 17.4, the AVCaptureMetadataOutput delegate is not called anymore. I find there is the same problem in a stackoverflow post:
An Apple webpage said the "QR code scanning" issue is fixed in iPadOS 17.4.1:
If your iPad is unable to scan QR codes after updating to iPadOS 17.4 - Apple Support - https://support.apple.com/en-lamr/118614
That's true, I confirm that on my iPad 6.
But, unfortunately, iPadOS 17.4.1 does fix ONLY QR code scanning! It doesn't fix barcode scanning, like PDF 417
Happening on
iPad (7th Generation)
iPad (6th Generation)
iPad Pro 12.9-inch (2nd Generation)
iPad Pro 10.5-inch
I have built a camera application which uses a AVCaptureSession with the AVCaptureDevice set to .builtInDualWideCamera and isVirtualDeviceConstituentPhotoDeliveryEnabled=true to enable delivery of "simultaneous" photos (AVCapturePhoto) for a single capture request.
Our app ideally would have the timestamp difference between the photos in a single capture request as short as possible, but we don't have a good idea of what the theoretical or practical limits of this timestamp difference are.
In my testing on an iPhone 12 Pro, with a frame rate of 33Hz and the preset set to hd1920x1080, I get the timestamp difference between photos at approx 0.3ms, which seems smaller than I would expect, unless the frames are being synchronised incredibly well under the hood.
This leaves the following unanswered questions:
What sort of ranges of values should we expect to come out of these timestamp differences between photos?
What factors influence this?
Is there any way to control these values to ensure they are as small as possible? (Will likely be answered by (2))
Hi guys,
I'm designing a customized camera based on avfoundation. I can output Live Photo from avCaptureDeviceInput for now. I expect to take still and live Photos with different aspect ratio, just like the apple's camera app does (1:1, 4:3, 16:9).
I didn't find any useful infos from docs, any suggestion?
I need to know how to change the info for a specific photo in iPhoto. When I scanned the photo into iPhoto on my Mac I clicked on "info" and typed in what I thought at the time was correct info. I now know that the info is wrong but I can't find a way to edit it.
I've found online articles on how to change the metadata, but that's not what I want to change. I can change the title for the photo, but I can't change the info I typed in below it. Can anyone help me?
I have the following code
function load() {
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true })
.then(function (stream) {
var videoElement = document.getElementById('video');
videoElement.srcObject = stream;
.catch(function (error) {
console.log('navigator.MediaDevices.getUserMedia error: ', error.message, error.name);
<video id="video" playsinline autoplay></video>
While the code works fine on browsers and load a camera on IOS. I can't seem to get the full IOS camera overlay (such as zooming etc) I just get a basic camera stream. Is it possible to stream the camera on a browser with full IOS camera functionality?
I have a camera application which aims to take images as close to simultaneously as possible from the wide and ultra-wide cameras. The AVCaptureMultiCamSession is setup with manual connections. Note: we are not using builtInDualWideCamera with constituent photo delivery enabled since some features we use are not supported in that mode.
At the moment, we are manually trying to synchronize frames between the two cameras, but we would like to use the AVCaptureDataOutputSynchronizer to improve our results.
Is it possible to synchronize the wide and ultra-wide video outputs? All examples and docs that I've found show synchronization with video and depth, metadata, or audio, but not two video outputs.
From my testing, I've found that the dataOutputSynchronizer either fires with the wide video output, or the ultra video output, but never both (at least one is nil), suggesting that they are not being synchronized.
self.outputSync = AVCaptureDataOutputSynchronizer(dataOutputs: [wideCameraOutput, ultraCameraOutput])
outputSync.setDelegate(self, queue: .main)
func dataOutputSynchronizer(_ synchronizer: AVCaptureDataOutputSynchronizer, didOutput synchronizedDataCollection: AVCaptureSynchronizedDataCollection) {
guard let syncWideData: AVCaptureSynchronizedSampleBufferData = synchronizedDataCollection.synchronizedData(for: self.wideCameraOutput) as? AVCaptureSynchronizedSampleBufferData,
let syncedUltraData: AVCaptureSynchronizedSampleBufferData = synchronizedDataCollection.synchronizedData(for: self.ultraCameraOutput) as? AVCaptureSynchronizedSampleBufferData else {
// either syncWideData or syncUltraData is always nil, so the guard condition never passes.
I have built a camera application which uses a AVCaptureSession with the AVCaptureDevice set to .builtInDualWideCamera and isVirtualDeviceConstituentPhotoDeliveryEnabled=true to enable delivery of "simultaneous" photos (AVCapturePhoto) for a single capture request.
I am using the hd1920x1080 preset, but both the wide and ultra-wide photos are being delivered in the highest possible resolution (4224x2376). I've tried to disable any setting that suggests that it should be using that 4k resolution rather than 1080p on the AVCapturePhotoOutput, AVCapturePhotoSettings and AVCaptureDevice, but nothing has worked.
Some debugging that I've done:
When I turn off constituent photo delivery by commenting out the line of code below, I end up getting a single photo delivered with the 1080p resolution, as you'd expect.
// photoSettings.virtualDeviceConstituentPhotoDeliveryEnabledDevices = captureDevice.constituentDevices
I tried the constituent photo delivery with the .builtInDualCamera and got only 4k results (same as described above)
I tried using a AVCaptureMultiCamSession with .builtInDualWideCamera and also only got 4k imagery
I inspected the resolved settings on photo.resolvedSettings.photoDimensions, and the dimensions suggest the imagery should be 1080p, but then when I inspect the UIImage, it is always 4k.
guard let imageData = photo.fileDataRepresentation() else { return }
guard let capturedImage = UIImage(data: imageData ) else { return }
print("photo.resolvedSettings.photoDimensions", photo.resolvedSettings.photoDimensions) // 1920x1080
print("capturedImage.size", capturedImage.size) // 4224x2376
Any help here would be greatly appreciated, because I've run out of things to try and documentation to follow 🙏
Just watched the new product release, and I'm really hoping the new iPad Pro being advertised as the next creative tool for filmmakers and artists will finally allow RAW captures in the native Camera app or AVFoundation API (currently RAW available devices returns 0 on the previous iPad Pro). With all these fancy multicam camera features and camera hardware, I don't think it really takes that much to enable ProRAW and Action Mode on the software side of the iPad. Unless their strategy is to make us "shoot on iPhone and edit on iPad" (as implied in their video credits) which has been my workflow with the iPhone 15 and 2022 iPad Pro :( :(
I am developing iOS mobile camera. I noticed one issue related to the user privacy. when AVCaptureVideoStabilizationModeStandard is set to AVCaptureConnection which sessionPreset is 1920x1080Preset, after using system API to take a photo, the FOV of the photo will be bigger than preview stream and it will show more content especially in iPhone 15 pro max rear camera. I think this inconsistency will cause the user privacy issue. Can you show me the solution if I don't want to turn the StabilizationMode OFF? I tried other devices, this issue is ok but in iPhone 15pm this issue is very obvious.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
I feel like I'm missing something really simple. I've got the simplest possible CIKernel, it looks like this:
extern "C" float4 Simple(coreimage::sampler s) {
float2 current = s.coord();
float2 anotherCoord = float2(current.x + 1.0, current.y);
float4 sample = s.sample(anotherCoord); // s.sample(current) works fine
return sample;
It's (in my mind) incrementing the x position of the sampler by 1 and sampling the neighboring pixel. What I get in practice is a bunch of banded garbage (pictured below.) The sampler seems to be pretty much undocumented, so I have no idea whether I'm incrementing by the right amount to advance one pixel. The weird banding is still present if I clamp anootherCoord to s.extent() but it behaves normally if I sample s.coord() unchanged. I'm trying to write a box blur that samples / averages neighboring pixels and am completely blocked by this. What am I missing?