Is it permissible to resubmit my previously rejected Swift Student Challenge project this year? I plan to make substantial changes, adding more functionality to enhance interactivity. I truly believe that my project idea has the potential to win, now that I have had the opportunity to learn more about Swift and SwiftUI over the past year.
Swift Student Challenge
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I have a few questions about the Swift Student Challenge development tools.
What is the difference between swift playground and Xcode playground?
Also, is it possible to develop vision OS in the playground?
Hi, Developers. The project I am working on includes SwiftData for storing information. When inspecting, code-wise everything looks as it should, however, sometimes when interacting with data, the app crashes. The confusing part is that it happens sometimes. On one simulator, it might crash, while on another it might not. Should I reinstall the app it seems to be working fine again. Do you have and ideas. Any advice is appreciated. Take care!
Do the students have a specific topic for the app they are going to make? (If so, will it be given on February 5, 2024?)
The students are expected to submit their apps within three weeks from February 5, 2024, am I correct?
The apps the students are creating are expected to be "iPhone" Swift Playground apps, am I correct?
Do the students have a specific topic for the app they are going to make? (If so, will it be given on February 5, 2024?)
The students are expected to submit their apps within three weeks from February 5, 2024, am I correct?
The apps the students are creating are expected to be "iPhone" Swift Playground apps, am I correct?
I don't really understand the exact meaning of "Build your app playground" on the Apple Swift Student Challenge home page. Does it mean to build a game app with a normal Xcode SwiftUI project?
Or is there a platform called "App Playground"?
So we cannot make an app that is not a game or an app that is not made with a platform called "App Playground" ?????????
I'm confused.
If you can use Japanese, it would be helpful to answer in Japanese.
Hey I started working on an idea for the swift student challenge but I created a xcode project instead of a playground, is this okay or does it have to be a playground? Thank you !
I started playing around with the navigationDestination modifier. But currently it always re-routes me back to the list with the entries. Does someone have an idea why this happens?
NavigationStack {
Form {
Section {
ProgressRing(percentage: $percentage)
Text("1 of 3 compleatet")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity ,alignment: .center)
Section("Daily tasks") {
NavigationLink {
} label: {
Label("Log mood", systemImage: "seal")
NavigationLink {
} label: {
Label("Quote Gallery", systemImage: "seal")
NavigationLink {
} label: {
Label("Writing down gratitude", systemImage: "seal")
.navigationTitle("Hello, \(users.first?.name ?? "User")")
List {
ForEach(gratitudes, id: \.self) { gratitude in
NavigationLink(value: gratitude) {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
Text(gratitude.createdAt, style: .date)
.navigationDestination(for: Gratitude.self, destination: { gratitude in
GratitudeUpdateView(gratitude: gratitude)
.toolbar(.hidden, for: .tabBar)
.overlay(alignment: .bottom) {
NavigationLink {
} label: {