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Is it possible to display a live 3D view of Google Maps in a Vision Pro app?
Hi everyone, I’m exploring the idea of displaying a live 3D view of Google Maps in a Vision Pro app using SwiftUI and RealityKit. I want users to be able to interact with the map, including panning, zooming in and out, and exploring different areas in a fully immersive environment. Is this technically possible within the Vision Pro ecosystem? If so, what would be the recommended approach to implement this? If not, are there any alternative methods or platforms that could provide a similar experience? Thanks in advance for your insights! Best, Siddharth
Aug ’24
Setting accessibility focus when switching tabs
I'm trying to make macOS VoiceOver read some in text in the parent tabview when the child tabview changes tabs. VoiceOver always reads the first text entry in the child sub tab ignoring attempts to switch where the focus is. I've tried these things, in the example textItem is a member of the parent tabview class: .setAccessibilityApplicationFocusedUIElement(textItem) .setAccessibilityFocused(true) Each sub tab is a view controller loaded from a storyboard and I've added code in viewDidAppear to set the accessibility focus. I've also tried using a notification to the parent tab view to set the accessibility focus at the end of the sub tab's viewDidAppear. Nothing seems to work, is there way to actually change the current focused accessibility UI element programmatically? This needs to work on macOS 13 and greater. Here is a rough layout of what I'm trying to accomplish. When the use selects "sub tab 2", I want the text "Text to read first" to be the focus and have VoiceOver read that. What really happens is VoiceOver reads the contents of the sub tab "Feature Name"
Aug ’24
SwiftData error when trying to delete items from a list, Never access a full future backing data
When I try to delete items from my list stored with swift data, it instantly makes crash my app with this error message: SwiftData/BackingData.swift:482: Fatal error: Never access a full future backing data - PersistentIdentifier(id: SwiftData.PersistentIdentifier.ID(url: x-coredata://03DEFFA9-87EF-4E13-9448-946D9EBC17B6/Exercise/p8), implementation: SwiftData.PersistentIdentifierImplementation) with Optional(0252D555-649A-45B2-954C-7DD62A6DBAE4) import SwiftUI import SwiftData struct WorkoutsView: View { @Environment(\.modelContext) var modelContext @Query(sort: [ SortDescriptor(\Workout.name), SortDescriptor(\Workout.difficulty), SortDescriptor(\Workout.duration) ]) var workouts: [Workout] @State private var isEditing = false @State private var showingAddScreen = false var body: some View { NavigationStack { List { ForEach(workouts) { workout in //design purpose code } .onDelete(perform: deleteWorkouts) } .navigationTitle("Workouts") .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .topBarLeading) { EditButton() } ToolbarItem(placement: .topBarTrailing) { Button(action: { showingAddScreen = true }) { Image(systemName: "plus") } } } .sheet(isPresented: $showingAddScreen) { AddWorkoutView() } } } func deleteWorkouts(at offsets: IndexSet) { for offset in offsets { let workout = workouts[offset] modelContext.delete(workout) } } }
Aug ’24
iOS 18 Beta 5 keyboard issue
Hi, I’m testing iOS 18 for a some time already and really enjoying your efforts to merge Lithuanian and English keyboards. Unfortunately in 18 Beta 5 I have received today there is just 1 option of “EN LT” left and in it Lithuanian special symbols (like ę ė ų į and etc.) are in the most uncomfortable / far away location when typing. Please change it and the best would be - please remove all non Lithuanian symbols from “EN LT” layout, as its not needed and brings only confusion when typing.
Aug ’24
Mail app uses wrong name
I had a post in the forums explaining this problem and its solution but someone more concerned with which version of the software was used than whether the post addressed a problem removed it. So I'm posting it here again so the next time someone has this problem they can find it (hopefully). If Apple took its UX development as seriously as they do their curation of forums posts this would be a non-issue. Original post: No matter what I do, the Mail app continues to send the wrong name when I reply to an email. This is incredibly frustrating and I'm hoping someone can suggest something I haven't already tried. What I've tried so far: Contacts I've edited my contact card to not have the wrong name anywhere. Notably, searching for the wrong name still brings up my contact card. Even though it doesn't show in any fields. Mail settings I've gone into Settings->Mail->Accounts and ensured the Name field has only the correct name. iCloud settings I've gone to icloud.com, opened the Mail app, and clicked the gear icon to bring up settings. The right name is listed there. I'm pulling my hair out trying to find where this name is hidden. I would rather it not add any name to my email From line if it can't use the correct one. Solution: in Settings->Mail app->Accounts, make sure you actually enter your name in the fields. If your contact name is there but it's grey, indicating it was the default, this may not be used. Note: I'm putting this under Accessibility and Inclusion because making it difficult or hidden to change your name on email could end up deadnaming someone. Which is not cool. It's bad enough y'all make given name and surname required fields when not everyone in the world uses a surname.
Aug ’24
iOS 18 beta 2
I installed the update last night on my iPhone 15 Pro Max and since then my phone won’t let me press certain apps, freezes, dies faster, and gets really hot. I really regret updating My phone please fix this as soon as possible.
Aug ’24
imessage video
Hi! as a sign language user, I send videos often because it is often the prefered way of communication with Deaf people, especially with international persons in my network. And .... I want to ask is there a way to send longer videos rather than putting in time to cut the videos according to the time limit and then send a series of videos. Wish we could send messages up to 10 minutes. Or can you tell me that there's another method that I may be missing or an APP that you would recommend for my iphone. Thank you
Aug ’24
Sheets and VoiceOver
Hello, I am trying to add an accessibility label and hint to a SwiftUI sheet's drag indicator but am not having any luck. Currently, VO reads 'sheet grabber, button, double tap to expand the sheet'. I'd really like VO to also include the current height of the sheet (similar to Apple Maps sheet). Does anyone by chance know how I can target the drag indicator/sheet grabber to do this? Thanks in advance.
Aug ’24
Cannot turn on Guided Access for Vision OS 2.0 app in development
Cannot turn on Guided Access for Vision OS 2.0 app in development I tried open Guided Access mode by control panel or triple click on crown button. It all response nothing. And after that other app cannot enter the Guided Access mode either. When I switch off and on Guided Access in General -> Accessiblity. It work for other app. but not my developing app.
Aug ’24