I am trying to use AutoLayout across all types of devices to have a square UICollectionView that maximizes the size of the UICollectionView based on the width/height of the screen (i.e. for Portrait the view is the width of the whole screen and the height is equal to that width; for Landscape the view is the height of the screen and the width is equal to that height).
1. I am using Interface Builder in Xcode 9.2
2. Standard UICollectionView
3. The UICollectionsView's settings for AutoLayout Constraints: Aspect Ratio with a Priority of 1000; Horizontal (Center) in Container with a Priority of 1000, Vertical (Center) in Container with a Prioerity of 1000; Top Space = 0 with a Priority of 250; Leading Space = 0 with a Priority of 250; Bottom Space = 0 with a Priority of 250; Trailing Space with a Priority of 250.
When I do this, it just ignores the Aspect Ratio and does everything else.
Anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
See my other thread for how I ended up resolving this.