Simultaneous push tokens (via FCM and PushKit)

I have an iOS app which presently:

(a) handles its push notification mechanism using the Firebase SDK (FCM),


(b) contains an integrated SIP client.

I am evaluating the implementation of PushKit, and wanted to determine if I can implement the direct use of APNS (for VoIP) in tandem with the Firebase mechanism i.e. can I utilise a (normal, Firebase determined) push token, whilst also implementing PushKit to generate a separate (voip) push token?

As the app would be a recognised VoIP app by Apple, my understanding is that I could use the direct APNS (http/2) approach for both normal and VoIP notifications, however, our existing back-end already uses FCM to push existing (normal) push notifications and cannot be changed.

Hello BrendanF

We are facing the same situation, did you get an update on this ?


Any updates on the subject?

If it helps... I use the same Key/Token in Azure for both APNS and PushKit for Complications and it works fine. Of course, your bundleID is different for APNS and PushKit.

What do you mean? Do you send APNS or PushKit token to your server? And how are your bundleID different?

Regular iOS apps can support 3 types of remote notifications in both the test and production environments:

1. User visible/audible, silent, critical alerts (usually referred to as APNS notifications)

2. High priority for Apple Watch complications (usually referred to as PushKit notifications for the Apple Watch)

3. High priority for voip (usually referred to as PushKit notifications for voip)

To identify which notification your app needs, in addition to your push credentials, Apple's push service in both the test and production environments requires you to provide:

1. A unique bundle id for example: vs vs

2. The device generated APNS token or PushKit token

If you are using the Key/Token non-certificate push credential, then the same Key/Token can be used in any environment and for any push type.

Also note that not all commercial push vendors support PushKit notifications or may only support voip and not complications.

Simultaneous push tokens (via FCM and PushKit)