Xcode 7, iOS 9, OS X 10.11 AVPlayer video, no audio

I'm updating my app to support iOS 9 and OS X 10.11 using the latest Xcode 7 beta. It's a video player app, and I'm using AVPlayer to load my video. The video plays just fine, but there's no sound. This is true on both iOS 9 on my iPad Air, in the simulator, and even my development Mac running 10.10, building against the 10.11 SDK. I haven't tested on my VM OS X 10.11 machine, but given the others, I'm guessing it's the same there too.

Is there anything in the latest SDK that would cause this? I can otherwise get these devices to play sound.

Accepted Reply

Turns out this is a Code ID10T -- programmer error.


Turns out this is a Code ID10T -- programmer error.