Detecting gpu memory usage

In the application i'm working on we're streaming a lot of texture data. I'm currently working on removing OpenGL pipeline bubbles, as part of this effort i want to make sure i'm not reusing a texture for uploading data while that texture is still being used for rendering by the gpu. When i need a texture to upload data to i've got the case where the texture is still in use. In this case i want to create a new texture, but only if there's plenty free vram memory available.

To get the amount of available texture memory i need to know the maximum amount of memory and the currently used amount of memory.

The OpenGL driver doesn't implement the GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info extension, so i need to use native functions to detect it.

The maximum amount of memory i'm retreiving using the example code described in

Retreiving the current amount of used/free memory seems to be an undocumented feature. I did manage to extract some information from the registry by finding a kIOAcceleratorClassName service connected to the brootstrap_port. These services contain a PerformanceStatistics dictionary with a vramFreeBytes member.

This works in most cases, but now i want to run on a machine containing multiple gpu's. For example an integrated intel in combination with one dedicated gpu.

In this case i need to make sure i'm getting the information from the right device. I tried using the rendererID for this, but i did not manage to match my context's rendererID to that of the service.

To get my context's id i do this:

NSOpenGLPixelFormat* pixelFormat = [[NSOpenGLContext currentContext] pixelFormat];

[pixelFormat getValues:&rendererID forAttribute:NSOpenGLPFARendererID forVirtualScreen:virtualScreen];

Then to get the accelerator service's rendererID i do this:

CFDataRef ridRef = (CFDataRef)CFDictionaryGetValue( properties, CFSTR( "IOVARendererID" ) );

const GLint* ridBytes = (const GLint*)CFDataGetBytePtr( ridRef );

Is there a way to match these rendererID's? Or any other way to get the currently available texture vram?

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