I've been struggling with a model for style transfer (the MSG-Net: https://github.com/zhanghang1989/MSG-Net), which gives wrong outputs when using coreml on gpu devices.
The wrong output on an iPad 2 distantly resembles the correct one (features are visible, but colors are badly distorted, see below), while
output on an iphone 8 is just pitch black.
Correct outputs: https://imgur.com/a/3Ti4u
Wrong outputs: https://imgur.com/a/XEWQG
To see if it is a memory issues causing this, I reduced the image dimensions from 720^2 to 256^2, however to no avail (same result as before on iphone&ipad).
I converted the model to float16 on macOS to see if its fp precision issues, but nope, still works on macOS.
Results/failures are the same in ios 11.2 and 11.3 beta
Tested platforms/devices:
- coreml on macOs: works
- model in simulator: works
- model on device with cpuOnly flag: works
- model on device without cpuOnly flag: does not work
As "works" I specify modes which reproduce the same output as the torch reference implementation
Digging deeper, if I hand in the features after the last instance normalization layer, everything works fine.
So at first I indentified the instancenorm layer as the culprit. However, after reimplementing it using a custom layer, the outputs stay the same. So it can't be the instancenorm layer alone.
At this point, I've pretty much exhausted my debugging capabilities and believe it to be a coreml bug in the gpu implementation.
Has anyone had similar issues, or should this be filed as a bug report ?
Here is the decoder part of the network (the encoder works well):
Decoder net:
Decoder shapes: