Same extremely low performance issue here, in Brazil. Cannot test StoreKit functionalities because of Itunes Sandbox no availability.
Trying ping the server:
Flying-Fortress:~ marcelmendesfilho$ ping -c 5
PING ( 56 data bytes
Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
Request timeout for icmp_seq 1
Request timeout for icmp_seq 2
Request timeout for icmp_seq 3
Xcode messages while app's waiting for a response from server trying to validate a receipt:
validateAppReceipt() the upload task returned an error: Optional(Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1005 "The network connection was lost." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x1c8041140 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1005 "(null)" UserInfo={NSErrorPeerAddressKey=<CFData 0x1c4096ad0 [0x1b4669538]>{length = 16, capacity = 16, bytes = 0x100201bb119a429f0000000000000000}, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-4, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4}}, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-4, NSLocalizedDescription=The network connection was lost.})
2018-04-18 08:02:35.574765-0300 Canário[14466:7422871] Task <2E837F50-7B1D-4CEB-BBC2-29904827ABCC>.<1> finished with error - code: -1001
validateAppReceipt() the upload task returned an error: Optional(Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "The request timed out." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x1c0240150 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1001 "(null)" UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-2102, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4}}, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-2102, NSLocalizedDescription=The request timed out.})
Yesterday I wasn't able to make a purchase in sandbox environment. Receiving "Cannot connect to ITunes Store. Try later." all afternoon (GMT -3). Tried 5 times with no success. Gave up and tried 4 hours later. Got 1 answer, others failed again.
What's happening?????
Please solve this!! I'm wasting a time I cannot afford on this!
I've opened a bug report: 39523855