To help get attention on this matter, please submit a bug report. Once you've submitted the bug report please send me the bug report number so that I can forward them to iTunes Server engineering. My direct email address is "". If you've already submitted the bug report, please send me the bug report number.
To submit a bug report on this issue, iTunes engineering has requested the following.
First install the StoreKit and sysdiagnose profiles
Install StoreKit profile to an iOS 11+ device
Please login to the Apple Developer Bug Report - Profiles and Logs website
Click the “Profile” URL associated with the “App Store/iTunes Store for iOS” item. You will download the “itmsdebugging.mobileconfig” file.
Click the “Profile” URL associated with the "sysdiagnose for iOS" item.
Read the instructions for triggering the sysdiagnose profile. Note where to find the sysdiagnose archive once you've sync'd the device with iTunes.
CAPTURE THE DEVICE CONSOLE LOG - connect the device to a macOS X Sierra (or newer) system (macOS X 10.12.x)
1. Launch the Console app and select the device in the left side of the Console window
2. Before starting the iOS app, click “Clear”.
3. Start the application and perform the steps to replicate the problem.
4. When the issue occurs, trigger the sysdiagnose archive. Note the time of the event.
5. save the contents of the Console log. Please verify that the string “fetchSoftwareAddOns” appears in the console log. If this string does not appear, then the profile was either not installed properly or the device was not restarted after the install to the device.
6. Wait 5 minutes after triggering the sysdiagnose archive, then sync the device with iTunes.
7. When the sync is finished, navigate to the location of the sysdiagnose logs
To submit a bug report for investigation by iTunesConnect, please use the Apple Developer Bug Report web page -
After logging in, select the “Other” Product.
Fill out the bug report form. In the description section -
make sure to include the application ID
add the in app purchase identifiers which are failing
attach the console log as well as the sysdiagnose archive which you captured.
Indicate whether the problem is with the sandbox or production version of the app.
Describe what sequence of StoreKit API calls were made.
Note the time of the failure in the description.
rich kubota -
developer technical support CoreOS/Hardware/MFI