The new KVO "observe" routine... where are the docs?

At WWDC 2017, the new KVO call "observe" was introduced.

I really like it a lot. It takes a closure, returns a token, takes a keypath.

kvoToken = obj.observe(\.name, changeHandler: { (obj, change) in



The only place that I've been able to find documentation on it is in the WWDC 2017 video #212, and on other developer blogs.

But what I'd really like to do is see the documentation for this somewhere in Xcode, and I have no idea where it is. I don't know why I can't see it.

Don't get me wrong... the new API works fine. I'm using it. But if I wanted to refer to the docs on it, well I have no idea where they are.


hmmmm - I don't seen any related (?) docs dated > 9.2016 - you might need to file a request via the bug reporter to see if you can encouage movement.

I haven't found method documentation. And the quick help is not very useful:

(That looks like it was generated from the source.)

But see Using Key-Value Observing in Swift.