assertion failed: libxpc.dylib + 72226

Until a few days ago, my app was running fine.
Recently I've created a new build from XCode 9.2 and am getting the following error from Simulator System log:

assertion failed: 17C88 15C107: libxpc.dylib + 72226 [EE650BC3-0539-32F0-9205-ECF6755E856F]: 0x7d

My app is stuck at starting screen, showing loader icon and times out.

This also happens on my phone and a friends phone.

I've tried an older version of the app on my phone in TestFlight, that still works.

I've tried folowing advice from link below, deleting the simulator and re-adding it, that doesn't help.

Anybody any idea what might cause this? I'm completely in the dark, googling hasn't helped so far.

Cheers, Pim

I also face this issue. Don't know how to solve yet 😟

I also face this issue. Don't know how to solve. Please help me to resolve
Also face this same issue, any solutions yet?

Does anyone else getting this happen to be trying to initialize an audio recorder in the iOS 12 Simulator? Mine eventually succeeds but takes a very, very long time and shows an exception very similar to the above in Console.

assertion failed: libxpc.dylib + 72226