codesign wants to access key "access" in your bunch of keys


my apps run on the iOSSimulator without problems and used to run on devices as well, but after updating to latest XCode-Version I am getting the above error message when trying to run an app on my iPhone 7. It says :

"codesign wants to access key "access" in your bunch of keys . To allow this enter your password".

... but my apple-Developer-ID-Password doesn't work.

And until updating to latest XCode-Version I never had any problems with codesign when running an app on iPhone device.

Any hints what's going wrong ?

XCode Version 9.1 (9B55)

iOS Version 11.1.2 (15B202)

Latest High Sierra Version, macbook Pro 2015

In case someone is facing this problem recently, now that there is only the 'allow' button, this is what worked for me:

After doing what other threads suggested (Reset My Default Keychain) what worked for me is that the password was literally nothing. When the default keychain is resetted, by default it does not have a password.

So if you just click on the continue/allow button without writing anything in the password field it will just work.

Can't find always allow any where :<

If you don't have "Always Allow" button, try to draw your distribution certificate from "system" item to "login" item in Keychain

It's 2025. Still, clicking "Always Allow" works while "Allow" does not.

you cant hit the enter key after typing in your password. Even though the default Allow is blue. You still have to click it with the mouse........

5 years later.. and this issue is still there..

so after entering the password DONT PRESS ENTER

but press on the (always) allow buttons..


codesign wants to access key "access" in your bunch of keys