Time to get NFC Apple Wallet Cert


How long does it take to get an NFC Certificate from Apple? So that we can delivery NFC Enabled Loyalty Passes.

We registered at the following address but haven't received any communication for over 2 weeks.


We are developing solutions for our clients and need to test the technology.

We use different PassTypeIDs for each of our Customers so it's likely we will need a different NFC certificate for each of our customers.

How do we get NFC Certificates in bulk so that we can deliver NFC Loyalty Programmes to our Customers?


Hi CouponWorld,

Same for us.
We requested NFC enabled pass 2 weeks ago, and still no answer.
Do you have any idea regarding delay / answer from Apple ?

We are in a similar situation. We enrolled a few weeks back. We are trying to decide whether this is technology that we can utilize but can't seem to get any response other than "There is another department that handles this and that there is no timeline on a response". We have a production project that we need to start and can't get any answers on a) whether we will will be able to get a certificate at all and b) a timeline as to when that could be. Very frustrating to say the least. Has to make you wonder if the technology is really ready to be used at a production level.

Hi CouponWorld!

Any luck yet? We are also in the same situation. We enrolled mid November last year, so roughly 3 months have past already! We did reach out to Apple about this at the end of last year, but got the same answers kwydra got.

We are also developing solutions for our clients involving the certificate and are unable to provide that at this point in time, so I understand your frustration. We are hoping to get a response shortly regarding this issue or at least containing some status info.

In the meantime, the only thing we can do is wait I guess...

Hi All!

Same problem.

We enrolled a few weeks back and no any information from apple - even confirmation mail. Just deep silence.

Someone know how many moth its take?

We work under Access Control System - and want show full featured solution at CPSE 2019 in Shenzhen.

But after read previous posts - think,we may not be in time.

Hi all,

Has anyone received a response yet? We are going on 3 weeks and wanting to know what kind of timeline to expect.


- Darren

Hi all,

Any updates/news on this, I'm also waiting on a response from apple and I want to know roughly the ETA.


Hello, does anyone have any updates about this? Trying to do the same. Wondering if you guys took a different approach or tried to contact Apple directly and how.


Is anyone still waiting? My guess is that there is an NDA that prevents anyone getting a certificate from stating such.

Hey guys! any updates on that certificate? or did apple chance how you obtain it?

Are there anyone who got the necessary permission from Apple? If yes, then how much time was it?

There are some details about the process here: https://developer.apple.com/wallet/loyalty-passes/

We at Stell are a pass provider and might be able to assist with your pass deployment. Reach out at https://getstell.com and let's discuss the use case.

Time to get NFC Apple Wallet Cert