Xcode 9 storyboard .. painfully slow

Anyone experiencing very slow performance on updating storyboard in Xcode 9? I tested even in brand new project, opening an empty storyboard takes time. Dragging a new UIView or UIButton to existing view in storyboard is so painfully slow. This is on Xcode 9 App Store release, haven't tried on Xcode 9.1 Beta.

Apple .. please fix this, this is so time consuming. If I don't have to support iPhone X, I would have gone back to Xcode 8.



I've found that besides setting device to iPhone X there is one more remedy: turning source control off in Preferences > Source Control > "Enable Source Control".

It looks like if it is not iPhone X, the Interface Builder updates a lot of stuff in file system and all those uneeded changes are also handled by source control managing something.

I have the preview on the iPhoneX and turned off the SourceControll. Still, it's extremely slow, especially if I switch between different languages in Storyboard. Productive work with XCode is not possible. A real shame ... I wonder what that is supposed to and what Apple puts his focus?

I tested in Xcode 9.2 beta (9C34b). I think, this problem is fixed in 9.2

I have the same problem

Xcode 9.1 storyboard load very very slow

apple fix it as soon as possible.

Yea but it gets back slow again

I downloaded the up date a week ago and my Xcode crawls now

I have the exact same problem, you simply can not work with storyboards, it is so slow.

If you need additional information, let us know, so we can help - but please, fix this. It really gets worse with every single XCode version.

For us developers, there are so much guidelines that we have to comply with, but your own software is really buggy...

Seems to me there is a content dependency. When I introduce a NEW viewcontroller and add a button, I can paste buttons and the response is fine. I can also copy in a UIView with contents from other viewcontrollers and still have good speed. But when I bring in a certain UIView, things slow down dramatically. Not sure if it is simply content or reaching a critical mass that's slowing things down. I am thinking it is content related. Anyone else notice this?

>when I bring in a certain UIView

Perhaps if you define what you have in mind when saying 'certain UIView'... After bringing it into a storyboard, did you check it's compatibitly via the atrributes inspector? Is it same as a new object/view in that regard?

On a 2012 12-Core Mac Pro, one of my largest projects also sufferred huge slowdowns with its storyboard when moving to Xcode 9.x

Now on a 10-Core iMac Pro and storyboard loading is greatly improved. But still not where it was in 8.x. I don't think all the speed boost is coming from the CPU. I do have dramatically faster storage in the new setup, so perhaps storyboard loading is also I/O bound?

In the old Mac, Xcode itself, the project file and temp files (e.g. Derived Data) were on three separate disks. Each averaging only 120 MBps. On the new Mac, Xcode is on the main SSD (3,000 MBps), project on a RAID 10 volume (600 MBps) and Derived Data on a RAID 0 volume (400 MBps).

For those with serious slowdowns, what type of storage are you using? Just curious if I/O is at play here.

Hi. This also helped me! Thanks!

It’s still the same for me. Storyboards are unusable with more than a few fields.

Xcode is really slow, even on the top-most Macbook Pro costing USD 5k.

Android Studio runs better in Mac OS!