Set the color of the home indicator on iPhone X

Is is possible to change the home indicator color on an iPhone X? I mean the horizontal bar that suggest to slide from bottom to top to access the home screen.

Accepted Reply

No, it is not. The indicator will automatically adjust itself depending on what's below it, and it's not something you can directly control. As described in Designing for iPhone X, you generally don't want to do anything in your app specific to the home indicator (e.g. drawing any adornments).


No, it is not. The indicator will automatically adjust itself depending on what's below it, and it's not something you can directly control. As described in Designing for iPhone X, you generally don't want to do anything in your app specific to the home indicator (e.g. drawing any adornments).

What are we supposed to do in the scenario where the automatically selected indicator colour is wrong?

Our top bar is set to light because our background colour is relatively dark and the white icons are a much better fit; With this same background colour our home indicator is currently grey and looks terrible.

Same exact issue -- gray looks bad -- want to set it to black.

Still no solution? It just doesn't 'update' properly. I have a blue background view on which it goes white properly, then if a textField becomes first responder it goes properly black as the keyboard is gray. Where it does not work anymore is when I dismiss the keyboard it does not update back to white and looks terrible...

Hi, under display and brightness click on True Tone it will change somewhat. Ok bye