Cannot Provide Export Compliance Information

Have uploaded a new version to iTunes Connect.

Logging in and can see it as usual in Testflight tab with the normal information about providing Export Compliance Information.

When clicking on the version, the right side goes blank without any error message or information. (though it throws some JS errors due to the dev console)

When clicking on any of the previous versions they also go blank but have worked before.

This still happens some 10 hours after the file has been added to the list without any progress status.

Tried on OSX

Google Chrome Version 60.0.3112.113 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Safari Version 10.1.2 (11603.3.8)

A day lost...


Which version Xcode?

I'm experiencing this same thing. This started last Thursday 9/7/2017 and is still happening today 9/11/2017.

This occurs the moment I click on the build to provide compliance.

It looks like a javascript crash triggering an internal server error. here is the logdump:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)

vendor.84585ca92f.js:13 TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasOwnProperty' of null

at Object.<anonymous> (/itc/bower_components/tf/dist/tf.tidbits.min.6573997a19.js:4)

at t.value (/itc/bower_components/tf/dist/tf.tidbits.min.6573997a19.js:2)

at value (/itc/bower_components/tf/dist/tf.tidbits.min.6573997a19.js:4)

at g (vendor.84585ca92f.js:13)

at vendor.84585ca92f.js:13

at o.$eval (vendor.84585ca92f.js:14)

at o.$digest (vendor.84585ca92f.js:13)

at o.$apply (vendor.84585ca92f.js:14)

at i (vendor.84585ca92f.js:13)

at u (vendor.84585ca92f.js:13)

vendor.84585ca92f.js:13 TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined

at vendor.84585ca92f.js:18

at g (vendor.84585ca92f.js:13)

at vendor.84585ca92f.js:13

at o.$eval (vendor.84585ca92f.js:14)

at o.$digest (vendor.84585ca92f.js:13)

at o.$apply (vendor.84585ca92f.js:14)

at i (vendor.84585ca92f.js:13)

at u (vendor.84585ca92f.js:13)

at XMLHttpRequest.x.onload (vendor.84585ca92f.js:13)

This is the very latest Chrome on MacOSX Yosemite, and also on MacOSX Sierra.

I was having this exact same issue since last week and have been trying it each day and this morning it worked so it looks like whatever broke it last week, they have fixed now.

I'm having this issue now: I'm trying to submit export compliance on app store connect, it gives me a nonhelpful error message: "An error has occurred. Try again later". In the javascript debugger I see the following error:

message: "API Response Error: TF_UPDATE_BUILD_RESPONSE"

stackTrace: "status code: 409 --- api correlation key: EQQNLEQIRARTLLRC6JQOHND7WY"