I reread the docs and saw that the Feedback Service was listed in the "Legacy Information" section of the reference below.
In that section, "when a remote notification cannot be delivered because the intended app does not exist on the device, the feedback service adds that devices's token to its list". This information is returned in the connection.
The new HTTP2 interface looks like it takes care of the feedback service as seen in one of the status codes available in the the request's response.
In the section "Apple Push Notification Service: Communicating with APNs", it has a status code for the APNs response:
"410 The device token is no longer active for the topic."
The whole point of the feedback service was to provide information on when to stop sending remote notifications that will fail to be delievered. This "feedback" is now available in the 410 status code.
You don't need both services. The provider server should use the new HTTP2 protocol as the prefered way to interface with the APNs.
# Reference: Local and Remote Notification Programming Guide