Warning: unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer "Mac Developer: Dylan M (*******)"

I keep getting this Warning each time I test:

Warning: unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer "Mac Developer: Dylan M (*******)"

I have no Idea what it means and couldn't find any other case of it on the internet, could anyone help?

2022 update: @honey9 this solution still works.

That's the way I fixed it:

  1. Go to keychain, find develop cert. It was marked as "unreliable".
  2. Change to Trust and back to Use defaults. It become marked with green checkmark again.
  3. Build and run Xcode project.

This issue has been happening to me sporadically since Apple renewed one of the intermediary CAs involved in developer certs. At first I was fixing it by removing and regenerating certificates, it turns out the simplest way to fix the problem is to just reboot, and everything works again.

Putting this here as an option for people to try before they start destroying their work environment / needlessly complicating their keychain settings where a reboot may also 'fix' things for you (at least for a couple of weeks at a time if you never shutdown/reboot otherwise).

Following some @plasticbrain tips I solved it with only those 2 steps:

  1. Opening Keychain Access and deleting all my expired certificates.
  2. Opening Xcode and then on "Preferences > Accounts", selecting "Download Manual Profiles".

rm -rf Users/yourUserFolder/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/* None of the above answers worked for me, this one saved me

Warning: unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer "Mac Developer: Dylan M (*******)"