I am looking to implement CTC loss function within CoreML. I tried, as a starting point, to use thekeras exampleand see if this could be converted however I recieve the following error:
File "/home/rob/py27/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/coremltools/converters/keras/_keras2_converter.py", line 85, in _check_unsupported_layers
"Keras layer '%s' not supported. " % str(type(layer)))
ValueError: Keras layer '<class 'keras.layers.core.Lambda'>' not supported.
Okay as expected, Lambda wrapper functions aren't allowed. So what are the options here, as Keras does not have a built in CTC loss function? CTC loss is a very important for Speech Recognition and is seemingly not available. Can I build a similar graph and swap the loss function with an iOS one?. Is there support for CTC/TF in the works in the next version of CoreML?