in-app push notification app name is different from bundle display name

I started buiding my project with the default bundle ID name. However, I changed the project "CFBundleDisplayName" to something else to show a different name on push notification/app download for testing. Everything works great, the app name on device and push notification (when the app is not open) shows the changed display name. However, I noticed that when the push notification comes in while using the app, the alert view controller title is displayed as the original bundle name and NOT the display name I changed to.

Does anyone know what I can do to show the display name when receiving push notification even while using the app?

Thank you!

Hi. Could you help us please?

Recently we encountered with the same behaviour of iOS. Have you found the solution of this problem?

Same problem.

Not totally sure about equality of situation, but I find a solution to my problem.

When I install without the previously installed app - all ok and app name in push notification is right, but if I update the app - the app name in push notification is old. It could be fixed only by relaunching the device(it's cached somehow), developers you could relax it's not your bug, it's Apple... So Apple...

Hello- I know it's been a while but this worked for me.

1. Go to Targets

2. Go to Build Settings

3. Under Packaging, change Product Name to the desired App name.

Above should solve the problem.

I caution against changing the Product Name. This is not correct and will break info plist if you are trying to build multiple apps from a single target. I think this is a caching issue. Delete prior apps.

in-app push notification app name is different from bundle display name