App Store apps not updating

Seems that when you tap update for an app, or ‘update all’, it gives the circle loading animation for a bit, then says ‘update’ again as if you didn’t tap the buttons. Can’t update any App Store apps. Tried hard restart etc.

Am I alone in this?


had this today. turned off then on and it updated.

I’ve got the same problem on my phone. Restarting doesn’t seem to have fixed anything for me unfortunately. Anyone any suggestions?

Have you tried updating them in iTunes then syncing?

Same issue on my iPad. Updates not working. Fresh downloads work fine.

NO problems on my iPhone 7 Plus.

Reboot and forced reboot are not changing anything.

Having the same problem here. Tried to update via iTunes Sync and still no mas.

I had the same problem and I deleted the app from my phone and downloaded it from the app store on my phone and solved the problem.

I have the same thing happening, on my iPhone 6S, my iPhone 6, as well as my iPad Pro. All are updated to iOS 11 Beta 2, and what basically happens is that whenever I try to update an app it fails, and I cannot get them updated, The only solution is to delete the app and reinstall it. This is OK for now, but for instance when I did it with MS Outlook it was a true pain in the ***.

I have tried all the things that I know of; rebooted the iOS device, logged off and on again with my Apple ID, WiFi and 3G, no other apps running, etc. The only thing I cannot try is to update using iTunes as I am on vacation and have no access to my Mac Pro.

One of the apps got updated twice, and it did not work the second time around either. This means I had to reinstal the app twice.


By chance I hit on a workaround - at least one that seems to work for me, Plug the iPad into a charger, I noticed it yesterday when I had plugged in for a few mins after dinner, one of the “stuck” updates had completed, But i didn’t connect the dots until this evening. Once realized, I plugged into a charger (in my case the one that came with my iPad Pro). Restarted AppStore, hit “update all” and tada. Time will tell if this is a real workaround or just coincidence. YMMV.

Yeah. Facing same issue since public beta 2 release. Not a single app is getting updated. If uninstalled... Re-install not working, same happens with fresh download also. It's really annoying that fresh install is not working for any other apps too. Submitted feedback thrice since then but no response from Apple team.

I have application name download all is not able me to open with new software 11.01 ios and there is no update for it in the apple store


Everytime i update my app on appstore, it s not updating automtically on my device. I have to delete the app then install it again.

How come is that ?

Need to solve that any one could help please?

Does App Store in the latest updated iOS update automatically normally? I have tried all suggestions but ended up with absolute frustration.