I managed to dowload and lauch the ARKit demo app doing this:
1. Comment the following code of ViewController.swift:
if ARWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration.isSupported {
} else {
let sessionErrorMsg = "This app requires world tracking. World tracking is only available on iOS devices with A9 processor or newer. " +
"Please quit the application."
displayErrorMessage(title: "Unsupported platform", message: sessionErrorMsg, allowRestart: false)
2. Uncomment just the following line:
You will still get this error message:
`MTLRenderPassDescriptor MTLStoreActionMultisampleResolve store action for the depth attachment is not supported by device'
3. Stop the running app on Xcode
4. Unplug your device
5. Launch the app from your iPhone (without A9 or A10 processor) 😉
It worked for me on my iPhone6