FPS Deployment for 3rd party vendors

Hi there,

Our company provides streaming services for indie filmmakers, small-medium sized production companies, film distributors and film festivals. Essentially we're a vendor or "third party acting on behalf of licensed content owners" in legalese. Our FPS Deployment application has been denied twice (even though we're using an approved FPS License Provider) and there's no appeal process...so I thought I'd bring up this issue in the forum.

Here's the problem: our application was declined because we're not the "content owner". We were told to have our customers request the FPS Deployment Package. This simply isn't feasible. Imagine if every student filmmaker who wanted to host her video on YouTube or Vimeo had to open an Apple Developer Account and apply for an FPS Deployment Package just to protect her film with FairPlay? This makes no sense.

Anyway, what are the options for "third parties acting on behalf of licensed content owners" to obtain FairPlay credentials? Once again, we're using an approved FPS License Provider and will not be maintaining our own key licensing service.

Thanks for your consideration.

Have you managed to get some sort of answer to this, apart from having every customer request a unique key?

It would be nice to get some clarity around this from someone at Apple. I asked about this 8 months ago and haven't heard anything


FPS Deployment for 3rd party vendors