Can Apple Watch side SiriKit extension and iPhone app communicate via Watch Connectivity Framework?

Using SiriKit's Car Command Intents (INGetCarLockStatusIntent, INSetCarLockStatusIntent),

we are developing SiriKit extension which responds to open and close car door commands from Apple Watch.

However, we do not know how to implement the communication between car and Apple Watch. In particular,

We do not know whether inter-device communication is possible via "Watch Connectivity Framework".

We knows that connection via BLE is not supported from Apple's documents.

NG : [Watch SiriKit Extension] --- (BLE) --- [Car]

We knows that connection via WIFI is supported from those documents.

OK : [Watch SiriKit Extension] --- (HTTP Connection) --- [Car]

However, we do not know whether the extension is possible to connect iPhone companion application via "Watch Connectivity Framework" .

??? : [Watch SiriKit Extension] --- (Watch Connectivity Framework) --- [iPhone] --- (BLE) --- [Car]

We would like to know if there is only a way to connect via WIFI, or even via "Watch Connectivity Framework".

Not to steal your thread by any means, but in regards to Car Commands, there seems to be a bigger issue, and that is the Authentication Security topic. For instance, the user should be prompted to enter (by voice) their password (or Pin #) in order to unlock their vehicle. Have you been able to figure that part out? I'll ask around about your question as well. thanks

Hello. Is there any thoughts regarding this topic? Me too looking for any way to communicate between watchkit sirikit handler file, and the ios app, which is closed (some stuff like a setting volume level on the iphone from the watchkit). And all examples i've crossed about are about view apps, not about sirikit handlers. Thanks in advance.

Can Apple Watch side SiriKit extension and iPhone app communicate via Watch Connectivity Framework?