UIActivityViewController returns "completed" as true even if the user cancelled the activity


We are using UIActivityViewController to share a URL and text from our application. We use the completion block as defined below to detect whether the activity successfully completed or not.

UIActivityViewController *shareActivity = [[UIActivityViewController alloc] initWithActivityItems:@[ textActivity, urlActivity ] applicationActivities:nil];

[shareActivity setCompletionWithItemsHandler:^(UIActivityType __nullable activityType, BOOL completed, NSArray *__nullable returnedItems, NSError *__nullable activityError) {
      if (activityError) {
          // show an alert
      if (completed && activityType) {
          // track the activity type
          // show an alert        

As shown in the above code, we show an alert so that the user understands that the activity is completed. We also track the activity that was done. The above code works perfectly fine for posting to applications like Twitter, Facebook, Mail, Message, Notes, Slack etc. But for some activities mentioned below it fails because the completed flag comes as "true" even though the user has cancelled the activity:

Failing Activities:

  • Reminders (iOS stock application)
  • Outlook mail application
  • WhatsApp

There might be more applications which might be failing but I was able to find above applications since I have them installed on my device.

Is there anyway to fix this problem?



Hello, I know this is old post but I can't find any solution to this and I'm having exactly the same issue, some platfroms like Instagram or Whatsapp returns a completed TRUE even if cancelled, whilst others like Facebook works as expected. Any help appreciated.

UIActivityViewController returns "completed" as true even if the user cancelled the activity