Need help - How to simulate ridesharing type app with virtual users?

Hi everyone,

I created a ridesharing "type" app that I developed with Swift, using a Firebase backend (and Firebase for Auth). I won't get into the exact details because it's for my graduate project/thesis, but it involves a lot of geolocation capabilities, searching for people, requesting to purchase something, driving to them, etc.

I need to figure out a way to simulate the app running with many virtual users. I want to verify that everything works correctly, and want the simulation to prove that it does for 10, 25, 50, etc. users. I would appreciate some input/ideas, and specific testing frameworks I could use.

It’s hard to offer concrete input here without knowing more about what you’re trying to test with your simulation. Are you trying to test its back end logic? Or the app’s UI? Or both?

Testing either one of these is relatively straightforward but testing them both together is going to be a challenge.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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Need help - How to simulate ridesharing type app with virtual users?