AR QuickLook Frame Rate Questions

When I've made an animated UDSZ, at what framerate will the animation be rendered in QuickLook? Is it the same across all devices? (iPhone, Apple Vision Pro, etc.) and viewing environments? (QuickLook, inside an ARView, etc.)

Suppose I export my file at 30fps and the device draws at 60fps, does the device interpolate between frames automatically, animate at a lower frame rate, or play it at twice the speed? What if it were 24fps?

My primary concern with understanding frame rates is a bit of trouble I've had making perfectly looping animations. There always seems to be the slightest stutter between iterations.

Thanks in advance for any insights you're able to provide!

The frame rate for QuickLook may vary depending on several factors including the device you're viewing it on.

QuickLook/RealityKit (much like other realtime engines) will interpolate your animation values and sample them as a time based value rather than a specific frame. So a 30fps animation will keep its length when played back at 60fps, and there will be interpolated animation.

It's recommended to animate at multiples of 30, e.g 30/45/60/75/90 . However, animating at higher frame rates has diminishing returns, and we recommend animating at 30fps unless you have content that specifically requires animating at higher frame rates.

AR QuickLook Frame Rate Questions