Broadcast Push Notifications - Update ignored

I want to update my lockscreen LiveActivity via Broadcast Push Notification, but updating always fails - but ending always works.

Payload with "update" is completely ignored:


Same payload with "end" works, the view is refreshed with the new content-state:


Via the MacOS Console I am able to see that both events happen to end up on the device. I am sending these Broadcast Push Notifications via Apple's Push Notifications Console.

Answered by Engineer in 828438022

Yes, you want a timestamp that is not in the past or it will be dropped. Also one that is not too far in the distant future as timestamps beyond 8 hours (the max lifetime of a Live Activity) will also be dropped.

Accepted Answer

I found the solution, that is rather simple:

"update" needs a timestamp which is not in the past

"end" doesn't care about the timestamp in the past

This is - of course - also stated in the documentation. Silly me.

Yes, you want a timestamp that is not in the past or it will be dropped. Also one that is not too far in the distant future as timestamps beyond 8 hours (the max lifetime of a Live Activity) will also be dropped.

Broadcast Push Notifications - Update ignored