I can generate a ShapeResource from a ReakityKit entity's extents. Could I apply some scaling to the generated shape. Is there a way to do that?
// model is a ModelResource and bounds is a BoundingBox
var shape = ShapeResource.generateConvex(from: model.mesh);
shape = shape.offsetBy(translation: bounds.center)
// How can I scale the shape to fit within the bounds?
The following API only provide the rotation and translation support. and I cannot find the scale support.
offsetBy(rotation: simd_quatf = simd_quatf(ix: 0, iy: 0, iz: 0, r: 1), translation: SIMD3<Float> = SIMD3<Float>())
I can put the ShapeResource on an entity and scale the entity. But, I would like to know if it is possible to scale the ShapeResource itself without attaching it to an entity.
Use CPU to calculate update the shader.
func transform(_ transform: Transform) async throws -> ShapeResource {
if (transform.scale == .one) {
return self.offsetBy(rotation: transform.rotation, translation: transform.translation)
} else {
let mesh = await MeshResource(shape: self)
var contents = mesh.contents
mesh.contents.models.forEach { model in
var mutableModel = model
model.parts.forEach { part in
var mutablePositions: [SIMD3<Float>] = []
part.positions.forEach { position in
let updatedPosition = transform.matrix * SIMD4<Float>(position, 1)
var mutablePart = part
mutablePart.positions = MeshBuffer<SIMD3<Float>>(mutablePositions)
try await mesh.replace(with: contents)
return try await ShapeResource.generateConvex(from: mesh)