Failed Message when running the default app.

Hi, My env. is ..

  • Xcode: Version 16.2 (16C5032a)
  • macOS Sequoia: Version 15.1

And I have 2 problems. Please give me the advice..

  1. Failed Message.

When I run the automatically generated app as it is, the following error(warning?) message appears in the terminal.

Can't find or decode reasons Failed to get or decode unavailable reasons NSBundle file:///System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MetalTools.framework/ principal class is nil because all fallbacks have failed

  1. Not on the simulator

And the result is not running in the simulator, but instead appears as a window. (The simulator works fine when launched separately, but the app from the current project doesn’t show up in it.)

Is it a Mac App ? If so, normal that app appears in a window. There is no simulator for Mac app, as they run native on the Mac.

For the error message, probably a solution here.

  • Edit scheme

  • select Run
  • Go to Diagnostics
  • Disable Metal API verification

Failed Message when running the default app.