Slow Auto Focus on iPhone 16 Pro with ARkit camera

I have recently started testing ARKit on an iPhone 16 Pro and I have noticed that the AutoFocus reaction on this device is much slower than other devices. For example, if I point the camera to a close object AutoFocus takes 4-5 seconds to stabilize, the focal length is adjusted very very slowly. In some cases (although this is rare) AutoFocus seems almost stuck and requires a bit of device movement to trigger.

This is quite problematic when using some ARKit features like Image and Object detection as the detection algorithms struggle with out-of-focus images.

This problem is limited to ARKit. AutoFocus is significantly more responsive when the standard AVFoundation Camera API is used.

This behavior is easy to reproduce with any of the ARKit samples like

Is anybody else experiencing this problem?

Hello @emaggio:

Please consider filing a bug report using Feedback Assistant.

Bug Reporting: How and Why? has tips on creating your bug report. It would be especially helpful if you could include the following

  • A sample project that illustrates the issue, even if it's a modified version of Tracking and Visualizing Planes.
  • Whether or not this can be reproduced on multiple devices of the same type.
  • Whether or not the behavior improves when autofocus is disabled. (see isAutoFocusEnabled).
  • Xcode version.
  • OS version(s), as applicable.

Once you open the bug report, please post the FB number here for reference.

Thanks, Steve

I have filed a bug report as requested ( FB16383810 )

Thank you for filing.

this is issue in my end too on iphone 16 pro max

Slow Auto Focus on iPhone 16 Pro with ARkit camera