How to determine the default duration of a long-press

Using gesture recognizers it is easy to implement a long-press gesture to open a menu, show a preview or something else on the iOS platform. And you can provide the duration the user must hold down the finger until the gesture recognizer fires.

But I could not yet find out how to determine the default duration for a long-press gesture that is configured in the system settings within the "accessibility" settings under "Haptic Touch" (the available options are fast, standard and slow here).

Is it possible to read out this setting, so my App can adapt to this system setting as well?

As per today, Apple does not provide third-party apps with access to customize the press duration for the onLongPressGesture modifier.

As a workaround, you might allow users to adjust the press length in your app's settings to cater to their preferences.

It would indeed be helpful if Apple made the default press duration for onLongPressGesture align with the user's accessibility settings. However, this seems like a rare use case, as most users likely stick with the default value, making it less critical to address. 🤷‍♂️

How to determine the default duration of a long-press