Does EV Charging entitlement support CPSearchTemplate?

I am developing a CarPlay app, that has been approved for EV Charging entitlement. Could you please confirm if the given entitlement supports CPSearchTemplate template as there is some confusion here.

I tried using the template by referring to the below link,

Here is the snippet,

class SearchCPView: UIResponder, CPSearchTemplateDelegate {
    var searchTemplate: CPSearchTemplate = CPSearchTemplate()
    override init() {
        searchTemplate.delegate = self
    func getSearchTemplate(interfaceController: CPInterfaceController?) -> CPGridTemplate {
        let searchGridButton = CPGridButton(titleVariants: [], image: UIImage(named: ImagesConstants.CarPlay.searchGrid) ?? UIImage(), handler: {[self] _ in
            guard let controller = interfaceController else { return }
            controller.pushTemplate(self.searchTemplate, animated: true) { status, error in
        let gridTemplate = CPGridTemplate(title: "", gridButtons: [searchGridButton])
        return gridTemplate
    func searchTemplate(_ searchTemplate: CPSearchTemplate, selectedResult item: CPListItem) async {
    func searchTemplate(_ searchTemplate: CPSearchTemplate, updatedSearchText searchText: String) async -> [CPListItem] {
        return [CPListItem(text: "", detailText: "")]

On push, I am getting an exception, *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Unsupported object <CPSearchTemplate: 0x30056df00> <identifier: 28, userInfo: (null), tabTitle: (null), tabImage: (null), showsTabBadge: 0> passed to pushTemplate:animated:completion:. Allowed classes: {( CPTabBarTemplate, CPActionSheetTemplate, CPAlertTemplate, CPGridTemplate, CPPointOfInterestTemplate, CPInformationTemplate, CPContactTemplate, CPListTemplate )}'

Answered by Frameworks Engineer in 820251022

No, the charging entitlement does not allow usage of CPSearchTemplate. Please see the table with the list of supported templates by entitlement, on page 15 of the developer guide:

No, the charging entitlement does not allow usage of CPSearchTemplate. Please see the table with the list of supported templates by entitlement, on page 15 of the developer guide:

Does EV Charging entitlement support CPSearchTemplate?