I am developing an app with support for In-App Purchases (IAP) for consumable products using StoreKit. I have defined the products in ProductList.plist and Product.storekit, but I am unable to connect them correctly to App Store Connect. Here are the details: Products defined in ProductList.plist: Bolet Evento Vip: com.cover.boleto.vip Boleto Evento Básico: com.cover.boleto.basico Configuration in Product.storekit: The products have prices and basic configurations, but they do not seem to link properly in App Store Connect. Steps I have taken: Configured IAP simulation in Xcode. Attempted to register the products in App Store Connect. Issues I am facing: The products are not appearing in App Store Connect after configuration. My app cannot seem to fetch consumable products from App Store Connect. Question: What steps should I follow to correctly register consumable products in App Store Connect and connect the app with StoreKit for production? Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!