Warnings - Failed to locate resource

I have a test application I'm working on (so it's a fresh Xcode project under Sonoma - with older map code borrowed from another project). It is a macOS application. And in Obj-C.

When the map window is opened the logs contain the following - I've been trying to hunt down and resolve. Thank you in advance for any clues/pointers.

Failed to locate resource "default.csv"
Failed to locate resource "satellite@2x.styl"
Failed to locate resource "satellite@2x.styl"
Failed to locate resource "satellite.styl"
Failed to locate resource "satellite@2x.styl"
Failed to locate resource "satellite@2x.styl"
Failed to locate resource "satellite.styl"
Failed to locate resource "satellite.styl"
Couldn't find satellite.styl in framework, file name satellite.styl
Authorization status: Authorized

The application does have MapKit.framework included.

Answered by darkpaw in 819490022

I think those are internal to Apple's frameworks so you can ignore them. I've seen the "default.csv" one.

However, if they annoy you, you can raise a feedback request to have them silenced.


Experiencing the same issue, and also having some issues with the Look Around Preview not loading properly

I think those are internal to Apple's frameworks so you can ignore them. I've seen the "default.csv" one.

However, if they annoy you, you can raise a feedback request to have them silenced.


Thank you. I appreciate the responses guys. Confirmation that it isn't something I've missed/done.

Feedback is a good idea too. Will do that in the next day or so.

Warnings - Failed to locate resource