detect FamilyControlsMember type without requesting authorization

I have an iOS app that installs a Content Filter in order to block certain types of content at the network/socket level. The Family Controls framework stipulates that this can only be done successfully on a FamilyControlsMember.child account type (or on a supervised device). Our initial release has been really successful, but I would say that perhaps 75% of our users are .individual (probably over 18). Perhaps a topic for another forum post is to discuss how Apple's policy here doesn't seem to be meeting a real need here for non-minors, but I'll leave that alone for now.

The problem we're facing is that as far as I can tell, the only way to determine if someone has the right account type is to initiate an authorization request using AuthorizationCenter.shared.requestAuthorization(for:) and then inspect the error. I think it could really help the usability of the app if we could detect the account type and preemptively show a helpful message if the authorization could not succeed, and recommend some alternatives. But I've looked so far in vain for some way to do this.

Is there any api in Family Controls (or elsewhere) that can query the system for this information? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!

detect FamilyControlsMember type without requesting authorization