Getting ASAuthorizationError 1004 (notInteractive) when testing web credential sharing with Apple sample app

Using both the Apple sample app for passkeys (link below) and another barebones sample app from github (link below), we are getting this same error when trying to retrieve a user's passkey that has been created from our website associated with the sample app:

ASAuthorizationController credential request failed with error: Error Code=1004 "(null)"
Error: ["NSLocalizedFailureReason": Unable to verify webcredentials association of with domain Please try again in a few seconds.]

Note I have replaced TEAMID, the bundle id and the website id here, but the values match our site association file, which has this content:

   "webcredentials": {
      "apps": [ "" ]

and is hosted at: 

(returned with Content-Type: application/json header)

The enum values for ASAuthorizationError.Code I believe are:

canceled: 1000
failed: 1001
invalidResponse: 1002
notHandled: 1003
notInteractive: 1004
unknown: 1005

Thus we are getting notInteractive, which according to another forum post here, we should not be seeing. With both sample apps, I've made sure the request to perform authentication is triggered from a button press by the user. Can someone please help us figure out why we are getting this error?

  • Xcode version: 16.2
  • MacOS version: 15.2
  • iOS version: 18.2
  • iPhone model: iPhone SE (MHGT3X/A)

Link for Apple sample app:

Link for Github sample app:

Answered by tomlandgrebe in 820226022

Figured it out, had to do two things:

  1. Turn on "Associated Domains Development" under Settings->Developer->Universal Links on the phone.

  2. Add ?mode=developer to the end of the Associated Domains entry in the Xcode project i.e.

Forgot to mention, we added the associated domains to each project as follows:

Accepted Answer

Figured it out, had to do two things:

  1. Turn on "Associated Domains Development" under Settings->Developer->Universal Links on the phone.

  2. Add ?mode=developer to the end of the Associated Domains entry in the Xcode project i.e.

Getting ASAuthorizationError 1004 (notInteractive) when testing web credential sharing with Apple sample app