Hi! I'm attempting to run the Quakes Sample App^1 from macOS. I am running breakpoints and confirming the mapCameraKeyframeAnimator
is being called:
.mapCameraKeyframeAnimator(trigger: selectedId) { initialCamera in
let start = initialCamera.centerCoordinate
let end = quakes[selectedId]?.location.coordinate ?? start
let travelDistance = start.distance(to: end)
let duration = max(min(travelDistance / 30, 5), 1)
let finalAltitude = travelDistance > 20 ? 3_000_000 : min(initialCamera.distance, 3_000_000)
let middleAltitude = finalAltitude * max(min(travelDistance / 5, 1.5), 1)
KeyframeTrack(\MapCamera.centerCoordinate) {
CubicKeyframe(end, duration: duration)
KeyframeTrack(\MapCamera.distance) {
CubicKeyframe(middleAltitude, duration: duration / 2)
CubicKeyframe(finalAltitude, duration: duration / 2)
But I don't actually see any map animations taking place when that selection changes.
Running the application from iPhone simulator does show the animations.
I am building from Xcode Version 16.2 and macOS 15.2. Are there known issues with this API on macOS?