Update problem

I updated one of my devices to iOS 18.3 from developer mode and the sound has completely disappeared from the device whether external or internal sound. Will this problem be solved or what should I do? Thank you Apple.

Honestly, it has been almost 3 weeks with this bug. Not even my FT works. This sucks!

Does anyone know how to make a complaint about this issue? Albert seems to have gotten lost.

I have the same issue with my 7th Gen iPad. FB16114907 (No audio after iPad OS 18.3 update)

beta 3 fixes this issue :-)

beta 3 fixed the issue for me, too

Beta 3 fixed it for me as well, last time I ever do an beta update.

Finally it is fixed, thanks. No more Beta updates for me though.

I am experiencing this same problem there is no sound on my 7th generation iPad, you tube is not working, this is very frustrating

FB#16345021 same issue

Fortunately the latest 18.3 beta (22D5055b) has fixed this problem on the ipad 7th gen. Thanks to the Apple Engineering team for dealing with the matter in a relatively short time frame (but users of course felt like it was an entirety)

Update problem