Populating Top Hits Shortcuts in Search for My App


I have written a new app shortcut using the iOS AssistantIntent macro for the system.search scheme. It all works as it should. I can find it in the short cuts apps and if I search for my app in the Search feature of Springboard my app icon shows under top hits along with its associated search shortcut. When the shortcut is invoked it prompts for the text to search for and then it launches once the text is entered. This is fine but I would also like to have automatically created some additional shortcuts items where some of the common items I expect people to search for are already available so that when tapped they aren't prompted for search text and the intent is automatically launched with the query text. I'd like these to show up under top-hits for my app and in the shortcuts app as well.

I noticed that if I manually create the shortcuts in the shortcuts app then they show up under top-hits. However as I said I would like for my app to provide these automatically but I am unsure how to go about this and which APIs I should using.


Populating Top Hits Shortcuts in Search for My App