StoreKit purchase failed with UI anchor

My App payment encountered a unkonw((StoreKit.StoreKitError) error = unknown) error in iOS18.2, then the lldb log "Could not find a visible window in the scene for *** purchase."."***" is purchase product id.

Why does this error occur, and how can I fix it?

I have the same problem as you. This must be a critical bug, users can't buy IAP, we are suffering huge losses.

We need help! Could not find a UI anchor for com.xxxx purchase. Purchase failed: Unable to Complete Request This log printed :(

Are you using Storekit 1 or Storekit 2?

I'm using Storekit 1 and in-app purchases are not working on iOS 18.2

Did you fix it? Of not pls also report to

I'm having the same issue. I have no problem with subscriptions, but I can't make consumable in-app purchases.

Solved this problem on my project.

Updated my deprecated code to StoreKit 2. As I've been using UIKit, I needed to call purchase(confirmIn:options:) function.

I am experiencing the same issue, but have another piece of the puzzle. I'm using StoreKit2 in a common component across a SwiftUI app and a Share Extension. The latter necessitates that it is a UIKit controller that then loads and calls out to the common SwiftUI components. To put it another way, the UIKit extension does nothing except handle files shared into it, and then passing the data to the appropriate SwiftUI view(s).

Anyway, my common purchase button, which has worked in both contexts for months, now all of a sudden stopped working in the UIKit extension context. Nothing about these have changed, and I know the purchase code works because the same button is used in the SwiftUI app when not running as an extension, and works fine.

The error I'm getting is the same as the parent more or less: "Could not find a UI anchor for <product id> purchase." In my UIKit code, I define anchors like this to spawn the SwiftUI view:

 // Method to display SwiftUI View initially with placeholder content
    private func showSwiftUIView(with imageData: ImageData) {
        // Create the SwiftUI content view
        let contentView = QuickSendApp(imageData: imageData)
        // Wrap it in a hosting controller
        let hostingController = UIHostingController(rootView: contentView)
        // Add the hosting controller as a child
        // Add the hosting controller's view as a subview
        hostingController.view.frame = view.bounds
        hostingController.view.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]
        // Notify the hosting controller that it was moved to the parent
        hostingController.didMove(toParent: self)
        // Store a reference to the hosting controller
        self.hostingController = hostingController
        // Add an observer to close the share extension
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NSNotification.Name("close"), object: nil, queue: nil) { [weak self] _ in

Because I know the purchase handling works fine, I can only assume there's a breakdown here between the SwiftUI code knowing its bounds and where it can run, and the UIKit code defining the frame for it to run within.

Okay, I found a workaround for my app at least. Here's the situation:

Existing structure:

  • UIKit extension receives shared items and hands them off to a SwiftUI View
  • SwiftUI view eventually calls an @observable class for handling store actions like purchasing with StoreKit2
  • @observable class handles purchasing, and fires notifications for other parts of the app to process.

New structure:

  • unchanged UIKit extension receives shared items and hands them off to a SwiftUI View
  • SwiftUI uses the purchaseAction api with the environment @Environment(\.purchase) private var purchase: PurchaseAction setup to handle purchasing. The PurchaseResult is generated, and then passed off to the existing @observable class.
  • @observable class receives the PurchaseResult, and fires notifications for other parts of the app to process.

The above made it so that my app works re: in-app purchases via an extension again, and continues to work in the SwiftUI-only version of the app.

I think I roughly understand what’s going on. If you’re using UIKit, the idiots suggest you use confirmIn(scene:), and the purchase(options:) method doesn’t throw any warnings — it works fine in UIKit. So what’s the point of all these warning messages? I haven’t seen any, or if I did, I didn’t pay attention to them. It gives the illusion that it’s related to visionOS.

The confirmIn(scene:) method is useless for apps that use AppDelegate because those apps don’t have a scene or getting access to the scene is not straightforward. Therefore, older apps that use AppDelegate + UIKit + StoreKit 2 could only use the purchase(options:) method. It seems that in iOS 18.2, these idiots realized this issue and introduced the confirmIn(viewController:) method as a workaround.

Adding this new method is fine, but they should ensure that the purchase(options:) method continues to work as expected. Instead, they just outright disabled it! I don’t think this is a bug — I believe they did this intentionally.

I have the same issue, but only in unit tests. I use purchase(options:) method. It does work in launched app, but not in unit tests.

StoreKit purchase failed with UI anchor