Extrinsic matrix

Hi everyone,

I am working on a 3D reconstruction project. Recently I have been able to retrieve the intrinsics from the two cameras on the back of my iPhone.

One consideration is that I want this app to run regardless if there is no LiDAR, but at least two cameras on the back. IF there is a LiDAR that is something I have considered to work later on the course of the project.

I am using a AVCaptureSession with the two cameras AVCaptureDevice:

  • builtInWideAngleCamera
  • builtInUltraWideCamera

The intrinsic matrices seem to be correct. However, the when I retrieve the extrinsics, e.g., builtInWideAngleCamera w.r.t. builtInUltraWideCamera the matrix I get looks like this:

Extrinsic Matrix (Ultra-Wide to Wide):

[0.9999968, 0.0008149305, -0.0023960583, 0.0]
[-0.0008256607, 0.9999896, -0.0044807075, 0.0]
[0.002392382, 0.0044826716, 0.99998707, 0.0].
[-14.277955, -8.135408e-10, -0.3359985, 0.0]

The extrinsic matrix of the form: [R | t], seems to be correct for the rotational part, but the translational vector is ALL ZEROS. Which suggests that the cameras are physically overlapped as well the last element not being 1 (homogeneous coordinates).

  • Has anyone encountered this 'issue' before?
  • Is there a flaw in my reasoning or something I might be missing?

Any comments are very much appreciated.

Answered by etimedina in 817361022

Hi guys,

I have found a the problem in my code.

I realized that I was converting the Data matrix into a 4x4 for some weird reason. While writing this question I realized that the correct values were there but somehow scrambled (due to the 4x4 convertion)

The following code works perfect:

// Get the extrinsic matrix from ultra-wide to wide camera
                if let wideCameraDevice = AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInWideAngleCamera, for: .video, position: .back) {
                    if let extrinsicMatrixData = AVCaptureDevice.extrinsicMatrix(from: ultraWideCameraDevice, to: wideCameraDevice) {
                        // Convert the Data to matrix_float4x3
                        extrinsicMatrixData.withUnsafeBytes { (pointer: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) in
                            if let baseAddress = pointer.baseAddress {
                                // Access the matrix as a matrix_float4x3
                                let matrix = baseAddress.bindMemory(to: matrix_float4x3.self, capacity: 1).pointee
                                // Print the matrix row by row
                                print("Extrinsic Matrix:")
                                print("[\(matrix.columns.0.x), \(matrix.columns.1.x), \(matrix.columns.2.x), \(matrix.columns.3.x)]")
                                print("[\(matrix.columns.0.y), \(matrix.columns.1.y), \(matrix.columns.2.y), \(matrix.columns.3.y)]")
                                print("[\(matrix.columns.0.z), \(matrix.columns.1.z), \(matrix.columns.2.z), \(matrix.columns.3.z)]")
                    } else {
                        print("Failed to retrieve the extrinsic matrix.")

Accepted Answer

Hi guys,

I have found a the problem in my code.

I realized that I was converting the Data matrix into a 4x4 for some weird reason. While writing this question I realized that the correct values were there but somehow scrambled (due to the 4x4 convertion)

The following code works perfect:

// Get the extrinsic matrix from ultra-wide to wide camera
                if let wideCameraDevice = AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInWideAngleCamera, for: .video, position: .back) {
                    if let extrinsicMatrixData = AVCaptureDevice.extrinsicMatrix(from: ultraWideCameraDevice, to: wideCameraDevice) {
                        // Convert the Data to matrix_float4x3
                        extrinsicMatrixData.withUnsafeBytes { (pointer: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) in
                            if let baseAddress = pointer.baseAddress {
                                // Access the matrix as a matrix_float4x3
                                let matrix = baseAddress.bindMemory(to: matrix_float4x3.self, capacity: 1).pointee
                                // Print the matrix row by row
                                print("Extrinsic Matrix:")
                                print("[\(matrix.columns.0.x), \(matrix.columns.1.x), \(matrix.columns.2.x), \(matrix.columns.3.x)]")
                                print("[\(matrix.columns.0.y), \(matrix.columns.1.y), \(matrix.columns.2.y), \(matrix.columns.3.y)]")
                                print("[\(matrix.columns.0.z), \(matrix.columns.1.z), \(matrix.columns.2.z), \(matrix.columns.3.z)]")
                    } else {
                        print("Failed to retrieve the extrinsic matrix.")

Extrinsic matrix