Provisioning an IoT devise under iOS 18 - Wi-Fi incompatibility

It is not possible to establish a point-to-point WiFi connection between iPhone models 15 and 16 (iOS 18) and the HiFlying HF-LPB100-1 module used by our IoT devices to control Yale locks: The message displayed on the iPhone WiFi network settings screen when selecting the HF-LPB100-1 module network states 'Unable to connect'. It is important to highlight that all iPhone models and previous OS versions are compatible with this WiFi module (antenna + chipset).

We already made a post in the Feedback Assistence platform FB15809338 (Provisioning an IoT devise under iOS 18 - Wi-Fi incompatibility )


  1. Plug in the Yale Connect Hub model YALE-4971 (with HF-LPB100-1 module) > The device's WiFi module will start reporting its network.
  2. On an iPhone 15 or 16 -using iOS 18 - display the WiFi network configuration screen and select Yale´s device network (it is named Yale-xxxxxx).
  3. Select the Yale network for the iPhone to connect point-to-point.
  4. An error message will appear: Unable to connect.
Provisioning an IoT devise under iOS 18 - Wi-Fi incompatibility