Disable optimised battery charging notifiction

I am on the developer beta ios 18.2 beta 3 on Iphone 16 Pro Max and, if I enable battery optimization charging I am woken up during the night when it is charged to 100% (which by the way isn't a couple of hours before my scheduled alarm goes off at 05:30 every day it reaches 100 about 3-4 hours earlier).

There are no other notifications firing and if I turn this off and set the charge limit to 80% it successfully charges to this overnight without any notifications.

If there isn't an option please can one be added as currently, I am unable to use this feature without being woken up during the night?

The charger is new and connection is fine as there are no other sounds until the optimized charging reaches 100%.

There isn't API for this but you are welcome to raise the issue as a bug report or enhancement request.

Disable optimised battery charging notifiction